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200,000 come together in new alliance

The Anglican Communion Network (ACN) announced today an unprecedented alliance of six groups in the Anglican tradition. The groups, all based in the U.S. have committed to a “common cause” under the chairmanship of the Rt. Rev. Robert Duncan, ACN Moderator.

In a letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, leaders of the Reformed Episcopal Church (REC), the Anglican Mission in America (AMIA), Forward in Faith North American (FiFNA), the Anglican Province in America (APA) and the American Anglican Council (AAC) pledged “to make common cause for the gospel of Jesus Christ and common cause for a united, missionary and orthodox Anglicanism in North America.”

As a whole, the groups represent or provide pastoral oversight for approximately 200,000 Christians in the Anglican tradition.

Calling divisions among orthodox Anglicans in North America “scandalous”, the letter goes on to state that the signatories clearly committed to cooperation through “additional steps as will help all observers to recognize that a new day is dawning.”

“To see orthodox Christians in the Anglican Tradition move from competition and divisiveness to cooperation signifies a new season in the life of the Church,” Bishop Duncan said. “This is not a declaration of organic unity – far from it – but it is a proclamation that we can function as allies in the common cause of Jesus Christ,” he added.

The Reformed Episcopal Church and the Anglican Province in America had been engaged in ecumenical dialogue with the Episcopal Church for years, but actions of ECUSA’s General Convention 2003 halted such efforts. Both welcomed the opportunity to join the common cause initiative undertaken by the Anglican Communion Network.

“The events of history have resulted in separations among those who claim the same Anglican heritage. The circumstances of the present compel us to find ways of reestablishing and rebuilding relationships among all those in the Anglican world who remain steadfast in holding ‘the faith once delivered to the saints’," said the Rt. Rev. Leonard W. Riches, REC Presiding Bishop.

“We share a common heritage with our orthodox brethren in the Episcopal Church and pledge our support in building unity among faithful Anglicans,” said the Rt. Rev. Walter Grundorf, Presiding Bishop of the APA.

Leaders of the various Anglican groups pointed to the growing crisis within ECUSA and the importance of working cooperatively for creative solutions to fulfill the mission of the Church.

"Even as we watch with some sadness the painful yet necessary realignment in the Anglican Communion, I am encouraged by the willingness of a growing number of orthodox groups and voices to work together and to shape a new Anglican witness for the 21st Century," noted the Rt. Rev. Charles Murphy III, Chairman of the Anglican Mission in America.

“The Holy Spirit is uniting Biblically-centered Anglican jurisdictions and organizations for the common cause and integrity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; and for the necessary re-alignment of the Church,” the Rev. Dr. David L. Moyer, FiFNA President.

“The crisis of faith and authority in this Episcopal Church that cripples, undermines and damages the witness of the Anglican Communion in North America has impelled us as leaders to embrace and uphold each other in unity of spirit and action.

We have prayerfully committed ourselves to each other in this new relationship for the maintenance and growth of our Anglican heritage for our children and our children’s children.”

The American Anglican Council, which, with other orthodox groups in ECUSA, assisted in organizing the Anglican Communion Network and serves as its interim Secretariat, considers this a key alliance.

“We have maintained, since the debacle of General Convention 2003, that realignment in North America is a necessity,” said the Rev. Canon David C. Anderson, AAC President. “Our common cause effort with these other Christian communities increases our numbers, our strength and our witness.”

The Anglican Communion Network is a growing ecclesial structure that counts nine Episcopal Dioceses and scores of individual Episcopal congregations as affiliates.

The affiliated dioceses provide pastoral oversight for approximately 140,000 communicants in 595 local congregations. The scores of individual Anglican Communion Network parishes account for thousands more.

Approximately 14,000 communicants worship in the 137 churches of the Reformed Episcopal Church. The Anglican Province of America includes 55 congregations in the United States with some 5,000 members as well as a further 15,000 members overseas. The Anglican Mission in America counts 65 member congregations and numerous church plants where some 15,000 Anglican Christians worship.

Though many in Forward in Faith North America and the American Anglican Council are also members of a Network-affiliated diocese or parish, both have memberships that number in the tens of thousands.


6th June, A.D. 2004
Trinity Sunday

The Most Rev. & Rt. Hon. Rowan Williams
Archbishop of Canterbury
Lambeth Palace
London SE1 7JU

Dear Archbishop Williams,

Grace and peace from God the Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ. Much has been made of the divisions among the orthodox here in North America.

The divisions are, in fact, scandalous and we recognize that we must do everything we can to bring them to an end.

We write to you as leaders of key Anglican movements in North America. We write to you in cooperation with and under the chairmanship of Bishop Bob Duncan, Moderator of the Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes.

This letter is a first step in signifying our commitment to make common cause for the gospel of Jesus Christ and common cause for a united, missionary and orthodox Anglicanism in North America.

While little trumpeted, there are already numerous specifics of cooperation among us. Our intention is to take such additional steps as will help all observers to recognize that a new day is dawning among us.

As we seek to do our part, please be assured of our prayers for you as you strive to give leadership at this extraordinary moment in the history of the Christian Church and of the Anglican Communion.

Faithfully in Christ,

Robert Wm. Duncan, Moderator, Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes

Leonard W. Riches, Presiding Bishop, Reformed Episcopal Church

Charles H. Murphy III, Bishop Chairman, Anglican Mission in America

David L. Moyer, President, Forward in Faith North America

Walter H. Grundorff, Presiding Bishop, Anglican Province of America

David C. Anderson, President, American Anglican Council

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