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The Episcopal Church, Sexual McCarthyism and the Homosexual Lobby

The Episcopal Church, Sexual McCarthyism and the Homosexual Lobby


By David W. Virtue
June 30, 2012

It should be apparent by now that the pansexual steamroller lurching over the Episcopal Church and, indeed, America itself, is grinding godly men and women, as well as trampling whole institutions into the ground.

We have not seen its like since the McCarthy era. For VOL readers in the Global South, McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence. The term has its origins in a period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting roughly from 1950 to 1954 and characterized by heightened fears of communist influence on American institutions and espionage by Soviet agents. Originally coined to criticize the anti-communist pursuits of Republican U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin, "McCarthyism" soon took on a broader meaning, describing the excesses of similar efforts. The term is also now used more generally to describe reckless, unsubstantiated accusations, as well as demagogic attacks on the character or patriotism of political adversaries. During the McCarthy era, thousands of Americans were accused of being Communists or communist sympathizers and became the subject of aggressive investigations and questioning before government or private-industry panels, committees and agencies.

The parallels with homosexual activism in the US and Europe is now obvious and should be apparent to all.

It is couched in the language of "homophobia", "hatred", "intolerance", "bigotry", "Fundamentalism" and "fear-mongering." The list goes on and on.

There is nothing and no one the homosexual hate lobby will not take on in their effort to cram their radical agenda down the throats of every man, woman and child on the planet. They have declared war on any organization or individual who dares to oppose its hate-filled agenda, writes culture warrior Bill Muehlenberg.

They have seduced a president who calls himself a Christian, whose declaration of support for homosexual marriage has won the hearts of pansexualists (at the most 1.7% of the population) and cowed faithful Christians (Catholic and Protestant) across America who DARE to stand up and shout "male and female made He them...God does not make mistakes nor has He changed His mind."

Look at what the US and UK are doing and saying to Uganda, a country that is predominantly Christian with an Anglican president. The US is exporting its culture wars and the UK showed a "bullying mentality" when PM David Cameron threatened to cut aid if Uganda did not roll over on gay rights. Ugandans were rightly furious and stood up to him. Feeding the hungry took second place to allowing gays the right to sodomize one another.

Consider what sexual McCarthyites are doing to the Salvation Army, The Boy Scouts, or this newspaper headline, "If you're eating Chick-fil-A, you're eating anti-gay." Orthodox seminaries, Roman Catholic institutions, evangelical pastors and ministries working to offer healing to men and women with same-sex attractions are targeted and blasted with the help of one of the most well-heeled, well-funded gay PR andmedia machines in the world. What does it mean when Target's CEO promised "a strategic review and analysis of our decision-making process for financial contributions in the public policy arena." He then added, "Target will take a leadership role in bringing together a group of companies and partner organizations for a dialogue focused on diversity and inclusion in the workplace, including GLBT issues."

Why would TARGET and other billion dollar corporations be bullied into becoming gaymarts for 1.7% of the population.

No matter how wonderful and charitable and philanthropic and helpful a group or person may be, if they do not fully grovel before the homosexual militants, they will be targeted and treated with utter contempt and disgust by the bullies of the "tolerance" brigade. These thugs excel in intimidation, harassment, bullying and hate. In the Episcopal Church that mantle has been assumed by the organization falsely called Integrity.

Susan Russell at her blog Inch at a Time (why bother with an inch, make it a mile) opines on Resolution B033 which urges diocesan bishops and standing committees not to consent to the election of a bishop "whose manner of life presents a challenge to the wider church and will lead to further strains on communion" describing it as a "rupture of trust...the historic ramrodding of B033 through the House of Bishops...with its misguided capitulation to homophobic based bigotry -- we're going to continue to replicate the cycle of misunderstanding, mistrust, suspicion and polarization to the continued detriment of the mission and ministry of the Church..."

Just try crossing swords with Bishop Gene Robinson, Bishop John Shelby Spong, Bishop J. Jon Bruno, or gay wannabe Bishop Jeffrey John who threatens to sue the Church of England if he is not given a purple shirt, or read hate filled clerics like Colin Coward, Giles Frazer or Susan Russell and see what happens to you. The cyber air fills with cries of outrage and bitter condemnation against anyone who dares to raise their heads over the ramparts and say, "but the Bible declares" or "God has spoken". The bile and vitriol poisons the airwaves for days and weeks. I know. I have been on the receiving end for years.

When I wrote my first editorial for the Virginia Churchman in 1979 declaring Gay is Not Okay, I was labeled, branded and declared a homophobe. I was fired from the job. No surprise. Thirty-three years later, the heat has been turned up to the boiling point where Louie Crew and his Integrity organization can claim victory. Orthodox Episcopalians have lost nearly all the battles. The war is almost over. It is now mop up time on the handful of dioceses that still vainly hold out against the homosexual Tsunami washing over them. The passage of same-sex rites at GC2012 will be the final capstone on 50 years of pansexual invasion and inclusion into The Episcopal Church.

The putrid ecclesiastical sores of spiritual HIV/AIDS have now totally infected the Episcopal Church. It is creeping ever so fast into all the mainline Protestant denominations as, one by one, they roll over to sodomy in the name of inclusion and diversity. Only the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox churches, the Southern Baptist Convention, the myriad small Anglican, Presbyterian, Lutheran breakaways and nondenominational Bible churches are hold outs. In most cases, Scripture has been abandoned as normative and declared irrelevant to the discussion. In fact, it is barely invoked unless it is to call St. Paul a homophobic Jew. It is about "rights" not behavior. Those who don't accept Scripture's authority know that if they were to analyze it according to their own ideology they would be forced to condemn it in the same abusive terms which they so freely use of living Christians - and they know what a storm that would unleash. So they don't talk about scripture. They don't believe it. They simply discard it.

David R. Carlin, Jr., Catholic sociologist and author, put it exactly right when he said, "The drive for same sex marriage is not simply about same sex marriage or the moral legitimization of homosexual behavior; it is also about the de-legitimizing of Christian morality. But the Christian moral system is no minor part of Christianity, any more than the heart or lungs are minor parts of the human body. Overthrow the Christian moral system and you will have overthrown Christianity itself. Therefore, those who are pushing for the institution of same sex marriage are ipso facto pushing for the elimination of the Christian religion." Absolutely.

When rites for the blessing of same sex marriage is passed at General Convention in a few short weeks, The Episcopal Church will not only seal its own fate and future, it will hammer yet another nail in the coffin of the Western foundations of Christianity, foundations that are being eroded almost daily in the Culture Wars.


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