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Episcopal Presiding Bishop fears return of personal salvation and orthodox faith

Episcopal Presiding Bishop fears return of personal salvation and orthodoxy in faith and morals

A Satirical Essay

By David W. Virtue
December 17, 2013

The Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church today expressed fears that a subtle effort to return the Episcopal Church to a bygone "fundamentalist era" will see a reversal of all the hard won gains over the last decade.

"I am alarmed that talk about the need for personal salvation and celibacy will ruin the possibility of people getting HIV/AIDS assistance so they can go on expressing their sexual freedom," she said in a panel to Gay Episcopal Integrity activists.

"This kind of restriction of sexual expression will only ramp up homophobia that prevents our church from growing," she opined.

Katharine Jefferts Schori said evangelical and Anglo Catholic expressions of Anglicanism can no longer be tolerated in the Episcopal Church. "We must expunge the last vestiges of orthodoxy so we can usher in a pansexually tolerant church with justice and freedom for all. We should lower the age of sexual consent so man/boy sex is a reality. We don't have enough scientific knowledge to know when true love starts. We must make every effort to see freedom reign in our church."

The Presiding Bishop said she was in tears when she learned that Fr. Bede Parry who admitted having sex with former choir members while at Conception Abbey had recently died. "I personally brought him into The Episcopal Church to show how diverse we were, unlike those narrow-minded Roman Catholics. If only Bishop Mark Lawrence could learn such a lesson of inclusion."

Jefferts Schori said she had been trying to get in touch with Nigerian Archbishop Nicholas Okoh about how one could reach out to the kinder, gentler folk in the Boko Haran movement so new doors of diversity could be opened with them, but every time she made a call and announced who she was the phone line went dead.


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