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July 23 2014 By dvirtue ST. GEORGE, SC: Lessons to learn from the South Carolina Episcopal lawsuit

4) Don’t bring in an expert witness by the back door as a tactic (by the national church) to delay the trial.

5) Don't try and blindside the judge by introducing witnesses who have not been pre cleared and think you can get away with it. You won't.

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July 23 2014 By dvirtue SOUTHERN AFRICA: American Episcopal Lesbian Seminary Priest to Preach and Preside at Eucharist

“This invitation goes against the canons and constitution of this province and violates the clear teaching of Scripture that God created male and female and then closed the sexual matrix,” the priest told VOL.

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July 17 2014 By dvirtue Church of England Synod finally gives go ahead to Women Bishops

“Our Speaker’s Chaplain, the Rev Rose Hudson-Wilkin (who could be the first woman bishop), believes that the prospect of equality is nothing short of a “miracle” and says, as her first miracle, if elected, that she will turn the entire Thames River into wine and hold a huge banquet at the foot of Tower Bridge.

“It’s all in the bag now and we will have body bags for Anglo-Catholics and Evangelicals should they resist God’s total and absolute approval of what we have done.

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July 14 2014 By dvirtue THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH: Church of Spiritual Sedition and Abject Apostasies

Does that make you happy? Where’s the “justice”, you rave about, for our evangelical Anglican brothers and sisters in Nigeria and the Sudan, many of whom now lie in shallow graves because you insist that a handful of men and women have the “right” to fulfill themselves with unbiblical sexual lusts.

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July 03 2014 By virtueonline LATROBE, PA: Nigerian Archbishop Talks about His Kidnapping Experience

VOL: Can you tell us the circumstances surrounding your kidnapping?

KATTEY: I was on my way with my wife to meet with the Standing Committee of the diocese at the Pt. Harcourt Hotel. It was 10:30 pm; we were driving overnight for a Saturday morning meeting. I had made the trip many times so I was well known in the area. I was wearing a full cassock, so the kidnappers knew who I was.

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July 01 2014 By virtueonline AUSTRALIA: Anglican Province Shows Numerical, Financial Decline

He is stepping down early and is succeeded by the current Archbishop of Melbourne, Dr. Philip Freier. He beat out the evangelical Archbishop of Sydney, the Most Rev. Glenn Davies who was considered too conservative for the job. Reports say that Davies was unelectable due to his opposition to women bishops and, even more importantly, his advocacy of diaconal and lay presidency.

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June 29 2014 By virtueonline LATROBE, PA: Anglican Patriarch J.I. Packer Still Going Strong at 87

VOL sat down with Dr. Packer and asked him about his life, work, ministry and writings along with a few leading hot button questions that has brought the Anglican Communion to the edge of schism. He is physically somewhat frail but his mind is razor sharp. He admits to some short term memory loss, but one would never know it in discussion with him. He is alert, lucid, direct, and completely in charge of his thoughts. Next month he turns 88.

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June 28 2014 By virtueonline LATROBE, PA: The AMiA Could Reunite with the ACNA

In his farewell address, Archbishop Robert Duncan said he had called Bishop Philip Jones, the new leader of the renamed "Society of Mission and Apostolic Works". He described the conversation as “lovely”. The Anglican Mission claims some 50 congregations. They are not counted in the Anglican Church in North America and have no official standing in the wider Anglican Communion.

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June 27 2014 By virtueonline LATROBE, PA: Archbishop Welby sends Greetings to ACNA Annual Assembly

The archbishop’s words were met with a cool reception here, much like the reception he got at GAFCON II in Nairobi where he failed to connect with the vibrant evangelical movement that is the vanguard of revival on that continent.

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June 26 2014 By virtueonline LATROBE, PA: New ACNA Archbishop Ranges over Issues Facing the Church

ABP. BEACH: Yes and no. Yes, because the College of Bishops are full of some of the most godliest men I have ever known, and for them to believe I was the one whom the Lord has anointed for this task is quite humbling. On the other hand, AB Duncan asked us back in January to go back home and prepare as if we were the one who was elected since there isn’t much transition time.

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