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APA And FIF-NA: A Done Deal

APA And FIF-NA: A Done Deal

From: The Christian Challenge

The Provincial Synod of the Anglican Province of America (APA), a Continuing Church body, unanimously approved in September a “Declaration of Full Communion” with the Episcopal Church (ECUSA) traditionalist organization, Forward in Faith, North America (FIF-NA), whose annual assembly had affirmed the relationship in June.

By this agreement, APA parishes that have joined FIF-NA are recognized as affiliated parishes, and will be allowed deputy representation at FIF-NA annual assemblies.

Led by the Rt. Rev. Walter Grundorf, the APA is the second Continuing Church body to come into full communion with FIF-NA; the first was the Traditional Anglican Communion.

The new relationship adds another dimension to the widening, trans-jurisdictional network of faithful Anglicans. Earlier this year, FIF-NA became a non-geographical convocation of the conservative Anglican Communion Network within ECUSA, and several groups in and outside of ECUSA, including the APA, joined in a cooperative alliance with the Network.

Also part of the alliance is the Reformed Episcopal Church, with which APA has plans to merge. Next June, the APA and REC will hold a simultaneous synod and councils at St. Alban’s Cathedral in Oviedo, Florida. The Anglican Primate of the Southern Cone, Archbishop Gregory Venables, will preach at a joint service of Holy Communion.

In other action at the APA’s September 16-17 Provincial Synod in Delray Beach, Florida, the Anglican Rite Synod of the Americas, led by Bishop Larry Shaver, was received as a non-geographical diocese to be called the Diocese of St. Augustine.

Delegates also approved the application of the APA’s Missionary Diocese of the West to become a full diocese.


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