But what if we set that approach aside and try something new? What if we look at the stories that Islam and Christianity tell?
In this book we do exactly that: we go back to the beginning of the stories Creation and work our way forward to humanity
Read moreAlas no. As I stood inside that vast monument to the New Labour Project, it began to dawn on me what that was all about: the consigning of Christian Britain to the dustbin of history, and the embarking on a radical journey to become a completely different people in the way we think, behave and live. As Tony himself would have said, it was all about 'the future, not the past'. Of course, they called it progressivism, but in reality it was the opposite.
Read moreOn the opposite extreme, many churches not only hold that the gifts are present in the church today, but that the presence of certain gifts (especially the gift of speaking in tongues) in the life of the believer is the only sure sign of the Fullness or the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. This is called the Pentecostal or Charismatic view.
Read moreBritain became a Muslim country in 2040. In 2030 the banking system of what was then the United Kingdom collapsed and the government no longer had the financial resources to shore up the high street banks. Unlike in the 2008 crash when the UK government was able to inject money into the banks, this time around there really were angry queues at the cash points with people unable to get their money out.
Read moreFast forward to the 21st century and Canon Phil Ashey would like to see an Anglican conciliar council to sort through the mess that has become the Anglican Communion.
Read moreThe study looks at how Anglican identity was constructed and contested at various periods from the sixteenth century and what has been its historical influence during the past six centuries. It explores not just the ecclesiastical and theological aspects of global Anglicanism, but also the political, social, economic, and cultural influences of this form of Christianity that has been historically significant in western culture, and a burgeoning force in non-western societies today.
Read moreElaine Sugden: Philip Giddings, a political scientist, instigated this joint effort. He had not known what to say when a friend was dying. He was challenged to write and asked my help. As a cancer doctor I was involved with the 'Life Threatening Diagnosis', the 'Difficult Decisions' and the question about 'How and When' death would occur. It was never easy to speak of death.
Read moreIt is a message that proclaims and calls all people to belief in the literal Resurrection of Jesus through a radical life change of repentance and baptism. Thus, this new life in Christ was a challenge and a threat in the Apostolic age to the societal status quo and remains a challenge and a threat to the societal status quo in our modern times. Dawn and Peterson note that, "The Christian community is an alternative society."
Read moreSuch is not the case with this excellent book by a successful Anglican priest who has the largest parish in the most unchurched city in England and who lives his life in the real world. This book is born out of a combination of sound scholarship and 22 years of parish experience and is designed to encourage and enable Christians to think through subjects that tend to be, well, touchy.
Read moreThe book addresses the oddity of Dispensationalist end-times scenarios. "The authors of this book reject those dispensationalist approaches that are confident they can plot the sequence or chronology of end-times events." (p. 14)
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