CANADA: Another reason to doubt the wisdom of ordaining women priests
By David
November 30th, 2012
The Diocese of Niagara, in June 2012, ordained three women; in September, three deacons were ordained, two women and one man; in December two women will be ordained. That's a ratio of seven women to one man.
I hesitate to say definitively that the inevitable result of this plethora of priestly vaginas is a performance of the monologues to which they lend their name, but in the Diocese of Niagara, that's exactly what has happened.
The lady priests of the diocese put on a performance of the Vagina Monologues in the diocesan cathedral.
Thankfully, there is no such thing as the Testicle Monologues, but if there were, I very much doubt that Bishop Michael Bird and his senior clergy would perform in such a potboiler; not just because they are undeniably lacking in that department, but because their modesty would get the better of them.
If, as everyone says, women bishops are inevitable in the Church of England, will we be able to luxuriate in mellifluous recitations from The Little Coochie Snorcher That Could, Reclaiming Cunt and The Woman Who Loved to Make Vaginas Happy at Lambeth 2018? I expect so.