Russia has the highest abortion rate in the world.
These statistics from Wikipedia, drawn from various official Russian sources, are not up to date, but their portrayal of a country with nearly twice as many abortions as live births should be disturbing to anyone who is pro-life:
Read moreBroad acceptance of gay marriage represented one of the most extraordinary shifts of public opinion on a major social issue in American history. In 1996, the Defense of Marriage Act sailed through both chambers of Congress and was signed into law by Bill Clinton. In 2004, the year eleven states passed bans on gay marriage in ballot measures, Americans opposed gay marriage by a two-to-one margin (or 60 percent to 31 percent), according to the Pew Research Center.
Read moreAnd, boy, did he say something:
Read moreFreud
Read moreHigh-end estimates of desistance tended to arise from longitudinal studies of children who first reported gender dysphoria at an early age. The vast majority of those children resolved their gender dysphoria before, or early in, puberty. In one 2021 study published in Frontiers in Psychiatry, for instance, 88 percent of boys with gender dysphoria were found to have desisted by their teens or adulthood (and more than 63 percent were same-sex attracted).
Read moreWith Fr Michael Nazir-Ali, Jonathan Goodall and John Goddard, that makes four Church of England bishops who in the last year have abandoned Anglicanism and asked to be reconciled to the mother church.
Some people will look at the tally of converts growing and simply be grateful that such people of proven spiritual calibre have set aside the tragic schism that wounded the body of Christ in these islands and the process of their reconversion.
Read moreAs such, I at least have some method for trying to not be stupid and, consequently, avoid being arrogant. In this way, I can recognize my own tendency toward pride, given the massive gaps in my knowledge, and then I can do my best to be okay with the existence of gaps. This does not mean I must resign myself to the particular knowledge gaps I currently have, as if I cannot continue to learn.
Read moreMy friend told me that pastors in five different churches in the southern region of his state reported at the conference the same phenomenon. They have had strangers come and join their congregations, and six months or so later, come out as transgender, and demand their rights as official members of the congregation. It has happened to so many of these churches, in the same period of time, that they believe it is part of a concerted effort to undermine those churches.
Read moreSecond reason: This is one of many issues of appalling ideology currently demolishing the universities and, downstream, the general culture. Not least because there simply is not enough qualified BIPOC people in the pipeline to meet diversity targets quickly enough (BIPOC: black, indigenous and people of colour, for those of you not in the knowing woke). This has been common knowledge among any remotely truthful academic who has served on a hiring committee for the last three decades.
Read moreWhite evangelicals are the only religious subgroup with majority support for the marriage and procreation segment of the poll. Catholics (35 percent), black Protestants (36 percent) and white non-evangelical Protestants (35 percent) are all under 40 percent on that specific answer.
Among the religiously unaffiliated, 16 percent say society is better off with people prioritizing marriage and childrearing, while 82 percent believe society is just as well off with other priorities.
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