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Episcopal Bishop Says Anglican Communion "like a bunch of teenagers growing up"

Episcopal Presiding Bishop Says Anglican Communion "like a bunch of teenagers growing up"

By David W. Virtue
June 22, 2010

The Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church says the Anglican Communion is like a bunch of teenagers growing up and finding their adult identity. "I don't have a better image for it than that," she said in an interview with David Crabtree of WRAL-TV in Raleigh, NC.

"Like teenagers, we see the Archbishop of Canterbury as the big parent in the system. I don't think that is the case. We are siblings and The Episcopal Church is the oldest of the products of the British Empire."

Asked if the family is really as solid now as it used to be, Jefferts Schori said it is "not as solid as I would like to be and won't be till the Second Coming."

Asked if she was still welcomed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Jefferts Schori said, "We are certainly in conversation and I was in England last Sunday and preached in the Diocese of Southwark and more recently in Scotland...we have friends all over the place."

Asked about her experience of being mitreless recently in Southwark Cathedral, she said it was not particularly painful...It was rather silly.

In other news, the Presiding Bishop said TEC would raise $10 million of a needed $60 million to help rebuild the Diocese of Haiti, the Episcopal Church's largest diocese.

Mr. Crabtree, who conducted the interview, is also a Deacon at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Raleigh, but he conveniently did not mention that during the interview.

The link below will take you to the interview that Crabtree conducted with the Presiding Bishop of TEC: http://www.wral.com/news/local/noteworthy/video/7827044/

Adding weight to her controversial views the Presiding Bishop has been told she will not be permitted to preach at Christ Church Cathedral during her visit to New Zealand next week in order to "calm tensions" in that mostly liberal Anglican province.


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