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By David W. Virtue

On November 2, 2003 a single white male stepped into the spotlight at The Wittemore Center in Durham, New Hampshire and announced before several thousand Episcopalians and visitors that he would uphold the doctrine and discipline of the Church and defend it against any who would seek to undermine it.

That his consecration was a contradiction of massive proportions undermining the church's very foundation teaching on faith and morals was no small matter. What it did was to drive his supporters to a higher level of engagement, at the same time igniting the wrath of global Anglican leaders who saw in it a dark piece of ecclesiastical history in the making.

Moments later a miter was placed on his head and V. Gene Robinson was hailed as the new Bishop of New Hampshire. He then embraced his male lover.

It was a Tsunami moment that washed over the whole religious world, a day forever etched in church history - a former heterosexual, divorced, white male now an avowed, non celibate, homosexual consecrated in apostolic succession with the apostles who would lead a diocese and ultimately a whole denomination down a road to realignment and possibly partition.

The potentially schismatic act landed like a bomb on the Anglican Communion and has rippled like a wave into infinity. The consecration of an unrepentant homoerotic man has lead to the breakdown of a world class church dividing more than 80 million Anglicans, codifying a moment in the sacred history of the Church of Jesus Christ, forever solidifying and enshrining sexual sin.

The ordination of Robinson has brought down not only the wrath of millions of biblically faithful Anglicans around the world, but the censure of the one billion strong Roman Catholic Church, the great Orthodox churches of the East, and the ridicule of Islam.

Having been warned repeatedly that such an act would have dangerous consequences and do irreparable damage, leaving permanent spiritual scars on the church, the consecration went ahead anyway.

The spiritual bomb of sodomy has gone off and the Anglican Communion is shattering into a thousand pieces with parishes, priests and dioceses fleeing from revisionist bishops and archbishops to save their own souls and those of their flocks, the spiritual fallout is being felt far and wide accompanied by indescribable pain.

The Anglican Communion, the largest Protestant denomination in the world and the second largest Christian denomination (after the Roman Catholic Church) is facing its Calvary - the body of Christ - in its Anglican construct, is being crucified on a cross of its own making and has no one to blame but itself should it splinter, and over the coming century wither and die. God's Holy Spirit will not be mocked and He will not stay where He is not wanted.

One time tolerant liberals had morphed into hard core revisionists, weakened in their resolve by a lack of sound teaching, poor theological training and a moving culture that focused on feelings rather than absolute truth. Women's ordination, never demonstrably proven from history, theology or Scripture, was brokered in without theological reflection, riding the back of women's liberation movements. It moved quickly from optional to mandatory, violating the consciences of hundreds of orthodox priests across the country, forcing many to leave for Rome and other orthodox jurisdictions.

Inclusivity and diversity became the prevailing nomenclature rather than transformation and renewal; the recipe for disaster was written on parish walls and seminary halls.

The repudiation of the ancient Prayer Book, the 39 Articles, the Ordinal and the Lambeth Quadrilateral with the ultimate rejection of Holy Scripture as authoritative on all matters of faith and practice, the recipe for total disaster and breakdown was now in place.

The Episcopal Church is on a gadarene slide into oblivion. The "go ye" call of Christ enshrined in the Great Commission was abandoned for political utopianism and UN resolutions, the cry of boundless freedom for all, with no constraints, becoming the mantra of the new Episcopal enlightenment. We must, for example, fight HIV/AIDS with millions of tax payer dollars but we must never talk about the behavior that causes it.

Orthodox spines, for so long jello, suddenly stiffened. The church, they said, had gone too far. It was time to fight back. From coast to coast churches started asking questions of themselves, and of their bishops, as one general convention after another pushed the sexual frontiers to the outer limits.

Overnight the Anglican Mission in American was born. Other orthodox parishes discovered sympathetic Global South Primates and asked for a life line to be thrown in their direction. The Anglican Communion Network was born and the great unraveling began in earnest.

As a result revisionist bishops have started to surround the wagons strategizing ways they can fight back to keep parishes in their grip at minimal financial cost to themselves. Millions will be spent on lawsuits to keep parishes from fleeing. In the meantime priests are being inhibited and deposed and pain is everywhere with no end in sight.

And now an organization called the Via Media which farcically claims to be the "middle way", recently announced that it had a strategy following GC2006 to depose the handful of remaining orthodox Network bishops...all in the name of inclusivity and diversity, of course. That action will only force more orthodox parishes to leave and invite retaliatory action from biblically faithful Primates and bishops around the world as they scoop them up, now that the true agenda of ECUSA's revisionists is obvious to all. The pretence game is over. The notion of a "diverse center" much ballyhooed by Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold is fatuous and risible in its opacity.

On any reading the end is in sight for the orthodox in the Episcopal Church for bishops, priests and laity. Their days are numbered. Faithful Episcopal priests in revisionist dioceses cannot be saved by outside orthodox bishops and the Archbishop of Canterbury's Panel of Reference appears impotent to save anyone. Issuing presentments is a hopeless gesture. Civil litigation is painful but stops congregations dead in their tracks for long periods of time. The Great Commission is thwarted. Furthermore they cannot be rescued by the Anglican Communion Network or even other faithful ECUSA bishops. The Dennis Canon must be fought out through civil litigation state by state.

Each parish and its priest must work out an exit strategy based on the facts and their own situation with, hopefully, as minimal pain as possible. GC2006 will be the final end and hope for the recovery of orthodoxy in the ECUSA. Florida Bishop John Howard has admitted that much in private talks with his orthodox priests saying that the direction of the Episcopal Church will not change at GC2006. The die has been cast. The Episcopal Church has chosen to walk apart. The remaining orthodox faithful must now ask what they will do and how they will do it. The Rev. Dr. Robert Sanders makes the point with razor sharp clarity in his article "Should One Remain an Episcopalian"? (http://www.virtueonline.org/portal/modules/news/article.php?storyid=3190) Listening, the favored mantra of liberal archbishops and bishops only prolongs the agony. The truth is we have listened ourselves to death. There is nothing more to listen too.

Just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, so it is with V. Gene Robinson - one man - who by demanding acceptance of his aberrant sexual behavior is bringing about the death of a once proud church, a church that has claimed the political allegiance of presidents, senators and an intellectual elite for more than 200 years.

The Episcopal Church is reaping what it has sown, and it has sown to the whirlwind.


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