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LONDON: Lambeth Palace spins its way into papal PR embarrassment

Lambeth Palace spins its way into papal PR embarrassment

By Guy Adams
The Independent (Online Edition)

April 27, 2005

Dr Rowan Williams is Lambeth Palace's most media-savvy inhabitant in recent history, but the forces of spin do not always sit comfortably with the demands of high spiritual office.

Last week, the Archbishop of Canterbury issued a press release announcing he was to attend Pope Benedict XVI's inauguration. This would, it claimed, make him the first head of the Church of England to attend such an event since the Reformation.

Although the claim was repeated by several national newspapers, it happens to be untrue. In fact, Dr Donald Coggan travelled to Rome to attend John Paul II's inauguration in 1978.

Lambeth Palace eventually retracted the incorrect press release, but not before it had intrigued religious observers. They see it as evidence of a hasty - and botched - attempt to "muscle in" on the recent coverage of papal affairs.

"There has been an air of desperation, as if Lambeth Palace must remind people it exists," reports one church correspondent. "Rowan Williams was not involved, but he'll be furious about this. It makes him look stupid, as if he's tried to take credit where it isn't due."

Dr Williams' spokesman yesterday blamed a cock-up rather than a conspiracy. "It's certainly not true to say we were trying to muscle in," he said. "It was just a very embarrassing mistake. Our archives contained information on two inaugurations in 1978, and we unfortunately checked paperwork relating to the wrong one."


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