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NEW YORK:Anglo-Catholic Priest Resigns Over Bishop's Endorsement of S-S Marriage

LONG ISLAND,NY: Anglo-Catholic Priest Resigns Over His Bishop's Endorsement of Same Sex Marriage
St. Mark Brooklyn is largest Black Episcopal Church in the continental U.S.

By David W. Virtue
June 29, 2011

The Anglo-Catholic priest of St. Mark Episcopal Church in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, has resigned from from his church because his bishop, Lawrence Provenzano endorsed New York's passage of the Marriage Equality legislation enacted this week.

The Rev. Peter W.D. Bramble, 66, told VOL that he informed Bishop Provenzano and his vestry that he will retire from the ministry at the end of the month. Bramble has been rector of the parish for 14 years. St. Mark is the largest black Episcopal Church in the U.S. with 3,600 members and a budget of more than $1.6 million. More than 2,200 attend three weekly services.

In a phone call to VOL, the Anglo-Catholic priest said that he had lived with the doctrine of casuistry since 2003 (Gene Robinson's election), but now plausible deniability has been taken away from him and he can no longer protect his people from the inroads of [theological] revisionism into the diocese and his church.

"Last night I went up on the diocesan website to look for something and saw that the bishop had responded to the legislation being passed authorizing those priests who wanted to, to perform same sex marriages within 30 days. I could no longer live with my conscience and stay in the Episcopal Church. It is a cesspool. I am not comfortable here anymore. I don't even know what the priests I sit next to in the diocese believe anymore.

"I am an Anglo-Catholic, a pure conservative and a Republican," he explained.

"I told Provenzano of my decision and he said he was very sad. He understood that I had to live with my conscience and wanted me to find the best way to transition out. The vestry needs time to go forward. I will retire. The passage of this marriage act precipitated my retirement and I will now work out the details with my vestry. I cannot in principle go forward...I cannot stay."

Bramble said it dawned on him that he could no longer exist in a diocese that is not authentic about the gospel and the new norm about marriage as determined by the state. "Now that the senate okays gay marriage, Provenzano says the church must follow the state. That's not what is in my Bible. St. Paul says we must not be conformed to this world but to be transformed. But here in the Diocese of Long Island the world is transforming the church. That is wrong. Now we are being told that we can do something the church has never been done before and it is being done by fiat not history.

"The church has left me. I don't feel comfortable here anymore, it is a conscience matter. I am not trying to mess up the church, or take it out of the diocese. We have done a lot for the community including setting up four housing corporations and so much more. We have nothing to be ashamed of, but I cannot in good conscience go along with what The Episcopal Church preaches or stands for anymore.

"Since my installation at St Mark, the spiritual journey has been an upward spiral. We embrace a community centered approach. Some of our projects involve housing for the congregation and the community, education at the primary and middle-school levels and formulating annual healthcare projects. Our mission has been to proclaim the Gospel by Word and Deed and to teach and nurture the people of God in the Biblical faith and doctrine as revealed in Jesus Christ, Our Savior. Our Mission Statement is scripturally based on the Great Commission given to the faith community by Our Lord in Matthew 28: 19-20, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

"We are lovingly described as 'the church on the hill'. The building, erected in 1900, sits on a gently sloping hill; the entire perimeter is surrounded by evergreen and deciduous shrubs. The spirit of God is alive and well in our Church. St Mark is, the Church on the hill, where we endeavor to live the Christian life responsibly. I shall miss all this but it is time to go."

UPDATE: Since writing this story and learning of his plans the vestry rejected Fr. Bramble’s resignation. He told VOL he will take a retirement sabbatical instead later this year which will allow the church to create a window for the parish to search and find a proper priest.“While I still plan to retire I do not want to let the church wither with no parish priest. There is still a lot to be taken care of. The time of my sabbatical has yet to be established by me and the vestry. I will go forward with my plans in consultation with the church leadership.”


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