A WORLDLY CHRISTIANAfter the second world war Bishop Neill led a large number of successful university missions in the UK, Europe and the United States.
REACHING IRELAND WITH THE GOSPELAs a group of people doing the course formed and gathered inter-generationally, they were taught lecture-style about the overarching themes of the Bible.
KENYA: Ven Rose Okeno Elected ACK's First Female BishopVen Okeno will be installed next month depending on the availability of the Archbishop Jackson ole Sapit, who has been the acting bishop following the resignation of Bishop Tim Wambunya in Septembe
Apostolic Succession ReinventedAnglicans and most Protestants hold to an understanding of "Apostolic Succession" as the succession of apostolic teaching as St. Paul directed to Timothy (2 Tim 2:2).