FIVE PROPOSALS ON RACEBoth Jews and Christians for most of their histories have believed that God deals with whole societies and not only individuals, and this belief has helped them respond to crises.
WALES: Money to burn in Bangor Diocese?In July 2018 it was announced that Canon Fisher was leaving the Church in Wales following his appointment as Priest-in-Charge (Rector Designate) of All Saints, Carshalton, by the Bishop of Southwar
"LESBIAN DAY OF VISIBILITY" RESULTS IN SPIRITUAL BLINDNESSOZANNE: Without doubt. They may well have been praying for this day up there in heaven. God only knows, and only She does, what a proud moment in ecclesiastical history this is.
The Equality Act And The Future Of Religious FreedomThere are a number of key provisions in the act that are central to its implications. The Equality Act broadens the term "sex" and redefines what it means to be a gendered human being.