IT IS FINISHEDFor years now I have wondered about an opening verse in Paul's epistle to the Ephesians: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual b
Looking Back at The Sexual RevolutionThe seeds of the rebellious 60s may actually have been sown in World War II, (then Korean & Vietnam), when so many about-to-be dads were "fathered" by the military and saw and did things that w
Hope; the Episcopal Church's Failed Fallback PositionIt is not hope in the salvation Jesus offers, it is hope in an inclusive God who rejects no one, and in doing so nullifies the cross of Christ that makes inclusion possible, but ONLY on the basis o
CHRISTIANS ARE NOW A MINORITY IN US -- GALLUP POLLBut the Gallup organization says we have reached the point where a minority of Americans identify as members of any religious organization, specifically in the United States.