WALKING TOGETHEROf course it is not a problem for us to use an expression that is not itself found in the Bible. "The Trinity" is not a biblical phrase, for example, but it is a fully biblical doctrine.
THE END OF ALL THINGS?A lot of this comes from the End Times theology of John Nelson Darby, a former Irish Anglican priest who went on to found the Plymouth Brethren movement whose dominant dispensational theology and e
WHAT HATH NEWMAN WROUGHTAccording to Newman, the Oxford Movement was launched by a sermon in 1833 ("National Apostasy") in which John Keble fussed at the nation for not being more like the prophet Samuel.
Turning worship into a clown showFirst, we live in a childish age, where immaturity is lionized, whether it be the spoilt-brat behavior of some celebrity or the cheap tantrums of Joe Public on Twitter.
ACNA Church joins ADOTTThe Rector of the Church, The Rev Zenith Benson says he and his congregation are excited to be part of the Anglican Diocese of the Trinity (ADOTT).
THE TRANS MOVEMENT IS BECOMING MORE VIOLENTRegular spiked readers may not be astonished to learn that the star turn on Thursday is actually a prominent gender-critical feminist. In this instance, it's SNP MP Joanna Cherry.