ANGLICAN ATTENDANCE STRONGLY REBOUNDS"The bottom line in 2022 is that membership and the total number of our congregations showed modest increases, while attendance has rebounded encouragingly and pastoral ministry has bounced back si
TOWARD A BIBLICAL UNDERSTANDING OF SCHISM"Bottom line: The schismatic is the one who [by false doctrine] causes the separation, not the one who separates (schismaticus est qui separationem causat, non qui separate) in order to prese
ACNA AT A CRITICAL JUNCTURE AS BISHOPS MEET -- A Priest's PleaLike Fitz Allison, we saw for ourselves that heresy is a cruel response to sinners looking for God's solution to our human condition, and it was no longer tenable to live in a church that calls evi
THE QUEERING OF THE EPISCOPAL CHURCHThe Episcopal Church openly celebrates LGBTQ+ events with TEC encouraging parents and their children to celebrate and participate.
CHRISTIANITY IS GROWING IN UNEXPECTED PLACESWhy is Islam losing its grab on its heartland and why is there a remarkable conversion to Christ? What is happening among Muslims in terms of the gospel proclamation?