PITTSBURGH: ACN Bishop Robert Duncan Welcomes Orthodox Sthn. Ohio Priest
May 26, 2004
The Rev. Richard B. Terry, Rector
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
33 East Main Street
Chillicothe, OH 45601
Dear Fr. Terry,
Greetings in the awesome name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
As Moderator of the Network of Anglican Communion Diocese and Parishes, it is with great joy that I welcome you to the Network based on the approval by the Steering Committee of your application to associate. I rejoice in counting you among the diocese, congregations and clergy who are standing together for Gospel truth and our faithful expression of Anglicanism in North America.
The Network is organized and administered through a series of six convocations (5 geographic and one for members of Forward in Faith North America). Each convocation is overseen by a Dean appointed by the Network and who generously serves on a voluntary basis. It is our pleasure to assign you to the Mid-Continental Convocation and encourage you to be in contact with your Dean, Fr. Ronald McCrary at 913-648-2271, or Ronald.McCrary@aol.com for information on Convocation and Network-wide activities and events.
If you may have any needs for which I can be of personal assistance, please do not hesitate to call upon my office. In this regard, you are also welcome to contact my Executive Assistant, Mr. Larry Crowell at 412-325-0095, or lacrowell53@comcast.net. Alternatively, may I ask that you be in contact with Mr. Crowell to register your preference on two matters: 1. our notifying your Bishop of your association with the Network, and 2. having your associate status listed on the Network web site.
In closing, please know that you are in my prayers as we enter into this season of reform for our church.
Faithfully in Christ,
The Right Reverend Robert Wm. Duncan
Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh, AND
Moderator, Network of Anglican Communion Diocese and Parishes