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MAINE: “Gay” Bishop to speak in Augusta faces tough questions

“Gay” Bishop to speak in Maine

Portland Press Herald

AUGUSTA, Me: (11/4/2004)--V. Gene Robinson will speak tonight at Colby College. His topic is “The Politics of Polarization and the Search for Community.” Robinson was recently ordained head Bishop of the New Hampshire Diocese of the Episcopal Church.

Robinson left his wife for a man. His behavior has provoked outrage within the global Anglican community.

Eleven states overwhelmingly rejected Robinson’s agenda in voting on Tuesday. Widespread public outrage with the homosexual agenda is credited with playing a very significant role in the reelection of President George W. Bush.

"The American people are waking up to the dangers inherent in Robinson's agenda." Said Heath. "Americans want to build strong marriages and families. They know that his ideas undermine community and cause polarization."

Heath hopes that Colby will make sure that those who disagree with Robinson, and there are obviously many, have an equal opportunity to speak to their student body. “I applaud Colby College for exposing this man to the central Maine community,” Said Heath. “I hope the people in attendance will consider the following questions.”

Questions for Gene Robinson:

1. You have polarized the global Christian communion over sodomy. Christians have not done this. You have done it. How is it that Christians who take the Bible at face value are practicing the “politics of polarization?” Isn’t this an example of you noticing a speck in my eye while there is a log in your own?
2. Why is political activism on this issue right for you and a hate crime for me?
3. Jesus leads the Christian community. He condemns lust, and sex outside of marriage. Since you reject the teachings of the leader of your community why should your views on “searching for community” have any credibility?
4. Pagan liturgies are emerging within your church. Since paganism is the implacable foe of Christianity you must be concerned about this?
5. As I understand it your homosexuality should be alright with all of us because it is consensual. Why is consensual sex between three, four or six persons wrong? If it isn’t wrong, then why not? If it is right, why?
6. Surely polygamy is alright with you?
7. If people are genetically homosexual then why are there hundreds of thousands of ex-homosexuals?

The event is at Larimore Chapel, Colby College, Waterville Maine at 7:30 p.m. tonight (November 4, 2004) It is free and the public is invited to attend.


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