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PENNSYLVANIA: Bishop Bennison Reponds to Standing Committee

The Feast of Timothy and Titus, Companions of Saint Paul
January 26, 2006

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

I am profoundly grateful for the words of encouragement that so many of you have tendered in response to my letter about the recent action of the Standing Committee requesting my resignation as your bishop.

In my prayer regarding this request on what is essentially for me a vocational question, I have come to the conclusion and decision that my resignation would not be a solution to the challenges we face. Rather, we need to pursue together a rigorous long-term process for addressing our problems. I pledge myself to participate in such a process, once created, and invite the Standing Committee and all of you to be part of it.

Fundamental to our understanding of who we are as the Body of the Risen Christ is the conviction that disagr eements among us, however difficult and painful, are not a cause for dissolving the relationship we have with one another through baptism and ordination. I am committed to staying in our relationship, knowing that in Christ our mutual affection for one another can and will grow.

Faithfully in Christ,

Charles E. Bennison, Jr.

P.S. If you would read this letter to your people at all services of worship in your congregation this week, rather than the letter I sent yesterday, I would be most appreciative.

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