VIRGINIA: Church delegates agree to disagree
Virginia Episcopalians vote to respect differing views in dispute over gay bishop
By Alberta Lindsey
Jan 29, 2006
Although some Episcopal Diocese of Virginia members continue to be upset by the denomination's confirmation of an openly gay bishop, delegates yesterday adopted a resolution to respect those with differing views.
An attempt to amend the resolution by adding that "sexual relations should be confined to marriage between one man and one woman" failed by a 274-169 vote.
The resolution, which does not mention homosexuality, was adopted in the closing minutes of the 211th Annual Council of the Virginia diocese yesterday at the Richmond Marriott. About 1,000 Episcopalians from across the state attended the two-day meeting.
The Rt. Rev. Peter James Lee, bishop of the Virginia diocese, upset some of the diocese's more conservative parishioners and churches because he voted at the 2003 General Convention to confirm the election of New Hampshire Bishop V. Gene Robinson. Some parishes threatened to leave the diocese, but only one has actually pulled out.
The Rev. John Ohmer of Leesburg, chairman of the diocesan resolutions committee, said the resolution captured the spirit of 11 original resolutions.
The committee considered bringing all 11 resolutions to the floor, Ohmer said. But "we believe the greater work of the council is the call to mission and the call to stay in relationship to one another. The committee didn't feel any of the [11] resolutions would do that."
Delegates had an opportunity to speak to the resolutions during a hearing Friday afternoon, said Russell V. Palmore of Richmond, diocesan chancellor.
Lee added that regardless of where people stand, there is a desire to get on with the mission of the church and continue dialogue. "The majority do not want the issues to be dividing. . . . People are tired of bickering," he said.
Delegates also approved a resolution calling for the election of a bishop coadjutor, an assistant bishop who will succeed Lee when he retires. That election will be held at next year's council meeting.
Among other resolutions adopted were:
Urged members of the diocese to discuss end-of-life issues with their families or other appropriate people. Called for parishes and missions to commit to prayer and fasting for those who will attend the denomination's 2006 General Convention in June.
Extended congratulations to the Diocese of Renk in southern Sudan on the completion of its St. Matthew's Cathedral, partly financed by funds from people in the Diocese of Virginia.
In other business, the council admitted two missions to full church status and approved a $4.2 million budget for 2006, about a $200,000 increase over the previous year.