Disordered Lifestyles Threat to Humanity and World Peace
by John-Henry Westen
The Vatican made public today the theme for the January 1, 2007 celebration of the 40th World Day of Peace. The theme: "The Human Person: Heart of Peace" was chosen by Pope Benedict XVI. According to a Vatican communiqué, the theme "expresses the conviction that respect for the dignity of the human person is an essential condition for peace within the human family."
In some of the strongest language concerning homosexual lifestyles heard from the Vatican in years, the communiqué reads: "Propaganda and the growing acceptance of disordered lifestyles contrary to human dignity are weakening the hearts and minds of people to the point of extinguishing the desire for ordered and peaceful coexistence. All this represents a threat to humanity, because peace is in danger when human dignity is not respected and when social coexistence does nor seek the common good."
The message noted that the current attack on human dignity is worse than in the past, pointing specifically to manipulations of the human embryo and acceptance of disordered sexuality. "Today, perhaps more persuasively and with more effective means than in the past, human dignity is threatened by aberrant ideologies, assailed by the misguided use of science and technology, and contradicted by widespread incongruent lifestyles. Indeed, ideologies that find their inspiration in nihilism or fanaticism (material or religious) seek to deny or to impose supposed truths upon reality, upon man and upon God," said the communiqué.
The note highlights the fact that "often science and technology (especially biomedicine), rather than serving the common good of humanity, are instrumental in serving an egotistical vision of progress and wellbeing."
"The Church," the communique adds, "has the mission of announcing the Gospel of Life, the central position of mankind in the universe and God's love for humanity.
"Only through an awareness of the transcendent dignity of each man and woman can the human family follow the path that leads to peace and to communion with God," said the note. It concluded saying "any offence to the person is a threat to peace; any threat to peace is an offence to the truth of the person: 'The human person is the heart of peace'."
Popes have in the past used the World Day of Peace message to bring home truths about abortion, however this is the first time the Vatican has included the issue of "disordered lifestyles" in its Peace message. In 2004, Pope John Paul II's message for World Day of Peace noted that newly conceived children deserve human rights. In May 2003 he linked peace with the right to life as he stated: "there can be no authentic peace without respect for life, especially for the innocent and defenseless, as are unborn children."
(This article courtesy of LifeSiteNews.com.)