NEW YORK: Bishop Mark S. Sisk says Smith has no power to authorize same-sex blessings
October 23, 2006
The Rt. Rev. Drew Smith Bishop of Connecticut is reported [The New York Times, October 23, 2006] to have authorized the blessing of same sex unions in that Diocese. It is important to remember that his action takes place within the context of a ministry in a state that has authorized civil unions. Personally, I am sympathetic to important elements in the point of view he represents.
To be specific: I agree that ways need to be found for the Christian community to support those gay and lesbian Christians who wish to enter into a life-long, monogamous and faithful union with a same-sex partner.
However, I remain convinced that it is an illusion to believe that any one bishop, Standing Committee, or diocese actually has the power to authorize that which has not been authorized by the governing body from which they derive whatever authority they do exercise.
Doubtless there are different pastoral responses to particular parochial situations, however, it is, in my judgment, a mistake, and ultimately not helpful, to confuse matters by suggesting that such blessings have an official sanction which they clearly do not possess.
The Rt. Rev. Mark S. Sisk Episcopal Bishop of New York Bishop Sisk was the co-chair of the Special Commission on the Episcopal Church in the Anglican Communion, Spring 2006