Latest US victims of gay-affirmative mandates
November 15th, 2009
When your politically-correct friends discuss the plight of gay victims, you could ask them what they are doing on behalf of those of other sexual 'orientations', whose ways of doing intimate relationships are still either frowned upon or completely anathematized by even the more liberated and progressive-minded in the West. What is ironic is that these other persecuted minorities repeat the LGBT mantra word for word. They cannot understand why they are such pariahs when, according to their literature, they are only doing what comes naturally to them (even as LGBT folk do) and are not hurting anyone else. What about them? Why are they kept in the closet by official LGBT organizations whose moral high ground centres upon the invaluable (but fallacious) 'all are wanted and welcome' claim?
A second point. What of the latest and (for the most part) ignored or mimimized victim category in the US today? Indeed, an almost complete sea change has occurred. The 'poor downtrodden gay' remains the default PC perception. But most are unware of the change which makes this an increasingly irrelevant and outdated perception.
Certainly in the West, the positions have become reversed: gay-affirmative ideology alone is allowed and allowable in the public square. It is ubiquitous and domineering. If you doubt me, try arguing for another point of view on a blog out there and see how long you survive. However, because most Christians do not 'go there' (the issue is: too ambiguous and complex; too explosive and divisive; too diverting of attention from the more important simple Gospel message; etc.), they fail to comprehend how far the cultural goal posts have shifted. In the public square, one is allowed one point of view and one point only: that of LGBT affirmation. This functions as a totalitarian ideology, and has come to dominate the public square and our present culture and serves as its modus vivendi.
Welcome to the alarming reality of 2009. I have drawn up a very brief list off the top of my head of those who have paid a too-high price for their Christian convictions in this area of sexual ethics in the US alone. Pictured above right is Maggie Gallagher, of the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy, and a devout Roman Catholic. She has received public death threats for her work to protect marriage and the family, and especially children, who need and deserve both a mother and a father.
See also the narratives of:
–- Donald Mendell (2009)
-– Peter Vadala (2009)
-– Julea Ward (2009)
-– Crystal Dixon (2008) and
-– Phyllis Burgess (2008)
-– Emily Brooker (2006)
and serious threats: