GEORGIA: Former Evangelical Seminary President Preaches at Liberal Bishop's Consecration
By David W. Virtue
January 25, 2010
In a move that is sending shockwaves among evangelical Episcopalians across the country, the former Dean of Trinity School for Ministry (TSM) preached the official sermon at the consecration of the Rt. Rev. Scott Anson Benhase, the 10th bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia on Saturday, a bishop known for his liberal views on human sexuality.
The Very Rev. Paul Zahl is the former President and Dean of the evangelical Trinity School for Ministry (TSM) in Ambridge, PA. Benhase was a priest in the Diocese of Washington before becoming bishop. On his staff was an openly gay man. In his sermons Benhase has affirmed his beliefs in same-sex rites and the practice of open communion.
Benhase and Zahl are said to be close personal friends. Benhase was ordained and consecrated by Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori. Twenty three Episcopal bishops attended the consecration.
"I was shocked when I heard this," one Episcopal bishop told VOL. "It sends precisely the wrong message. Jefferts Schori will exploit this to her advantage."
"At a time when evangelicals and Anglo-Catholics are either leaving The Episcopal Church or coalescing into groups like Communion Partners, this sends a signal that all is well in TEC when it is not," an orthodox priest told VOL.
"What in heaven's name was he thinking when he agreed to do this?" asked another priest.
Personal friendship aside, Benhase is no lover of the theology of Zahl. If the new bishop continues the lawsuit against Christ Church, Savannah, seeking to win back the property from the rector and parishioners, it will send very mixed signals to liberals and evangelicals alike over sexuality and property lawsuits.
"For a former president of an evangelical seminary to endorse and embrace a man whose theology is at odds with his own and the historic Christian faith on sexuality gives the impression that for some evangelicals at least, sexuality issues can now be regarded as second tier and can be dismissed for the greater cause of unity. That simply won't happen," said an orthodox priest.
Zahl was not available for comment and there was no copy of his sermon. When a VOL reporter called his home in Winter Garden, Florida, she was advised that he preaches without a printed text.
Benhase replaces the outgoing Rt. Rev. Henry I. Louttit, who is retiring after serving 15 years as bishop of the diocese.
For a review of Benhase's thoughts and theology click here: