RIDGECREST, NC: English Baroness Sounds Alarm over Islamic Incursions in Britain and Sudanese Atrocities
By David W. Virtue in Asheville, NC
April 9, 2010
An English evangelical Anglican baroness told 825 Anglican and Episcopal missionaries including three archbishops, 20 bishops and numerous clergy and laity that resurgent Islamic fundamentalism poses a threat to Western Civilization. Citing Bishop Michael Nazir Ali, Caroline Cox said the British nation has "lost its soul."
England, she said, is in a perilous situation, "Where there is a vacuum, it is liable to be filled with alternative ideologies and belief systems. Without a vision the people perish," she said to a New Wineskins for Global Mission participants coming from 28 countries of the world.
Describing herself simply as a "nurse and social scientist", her political pedigree allows her to address England's most senior parliamentarians in England (the House of Lords.) "It is more important to speak in the House of the Lord than the House of the Lords," she quipped.
"A resurgent Islam requires gospel bridges. We do not need walls, but reconciliation can only be achieved through realism," she said.
Baroness Cox is a voice for the persecuted and marginalized of the world, especially in the war torn country of the Sudan that she has visited numerous times. Two million Sudanese, mostly Christians, have been slaughtered by Islamists over oil rights in the southern part of the country which is predominantly Christian. Many believe another war is imminent.
Cox also sees a major threat on what she called "the home front". She outlined four areas of threat.
"I see an aggressive sexual humanism, a misplaced utilitarian, multi-cultural and extreme relativism playing out as well as a basic ignorance of [Britain's] Christian heritage and divisions within the churches giving off an uncertain trumpet call. As a result there is a deep fundamental assault on the deepest values of liberal democracy and an inculcation of guilt in Britain. I want the British people to look out and wake up and understand the dangers which confront us," she told the stunned mixed audience of global missionaries.
She said the growth of a political, strategic and militant Islam is mostly to blame for it. "The vast majority of the worlds' 1.2 billion Muslims are law abiding hospitable people, but there is a growth of militant Islamists who follow the teachings of traditional Islam associated with Al Qaeda.
"We must extend the hands of friendship to Islam. There are Muslims prepared to do this. They are thinking through the interpretation of Islam. However, there are those Muslims who are driving the international Islamist agenda. "The nature of Sharia Law is different from Jihad. It is the principle of abrogating verses of peace in the Koran by the verses of the sword. The verses of peace are there but there are also verses of the sword that seek out Christians and Jews."
She said the abrogation of later revelation that focused on the sword underpines militant ideology and political ideology. "Islam is thinking strategically and we are not. There are some aspects of Sharia law in the UK. In Canada you had it and then had it withdrawn. That is an example for rest of us. (Note Archbishop Rowan Williams has shown himself in favor of the implementation of some aspects of Sharia Law in the UK).
"Sharia Law undermines the legal systems of Western countries and denies fundamental legal relationship and the rights of women. Sharia courts discriminate against women. Don't let it happen in the US.
"Militant Islamic apologists are using the freedoms of democracy to destroy the very freedoms the West enshrines. Pending legislation in Britain is destroying our fundamental freedom of speech. If one is critical of Islam one can be declared a criminal and get 7 years in prison. In Ipswich a preacher preaching the gospel was warned by the Police and told he would be in deep trouble if he went public again. Our freedoms are under threat. I met with leaders of black churches and we had wonderful demonstration outside the Houses of Parliament. The country is on a knife edge. Tragically the UN might make it a crime to speak out against Islam."
The baroness said the centers of Islamic studies and schools funded by Middle East Islamic nations are teaching anti Judaism and anti Christianity. The same is happening in Sharia banking and finance. "They could bring down the dollar and Western capitalism. Islam is investing in developing countries and they have economic power which brings with it political power. Islam invests for mission. As long as capitalism invests only for profit, Islam will win economically."
Cox said Islamists are using polygamy, where men have four wives and eight children, to outbreed the West. "Some Muslim men have 30 children and they say 'we will take over your country.'
"We must support the persecuted church. However much they are suffering we must pray. We must engage in prayerful solidarity."
Cox showed a series of slides with one photo of a Sudanese woman holding a dying child saying, "I would sooner live and die a Christian than accept food to change my religion.' This mother is blind and her son will die of malnutrition. Thousands of Christians face terrible persecution in the Sudan.
The baroness went on to say that the third weapon of Jihad is slavery. "There are 27 million slaves in the world today. The objective of Islam is the Islamization of those who are not Muslims and Arabization of Africans." She said there is considerable sexual slavery in Burma. "What we need is a comprehensive peace agreement and people committed to mission.
"Islam is investing massively in the Sudan. She said she had seen documents showing that Arab nations are willing to invest $29 million in business to Islamicize the Sudan. That budget has gone to Saudi Arabia and Liberia. Money is being used to convert people to Islam. We are losing in peace what we won in war with two million killed." Islamic aid organizations are being run over by their Islamic mission.
"We need to support our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world as they struggle for freedom and to preach the gospel.
"Nigerian Archbishop Ben Kwashi once said to me, 'If you have a faith worth living for then it must be a faith worth dying for. We are living and dying for Jesus. If you don't resist now your grandchildren are going to have fight the battles you did not have the courage to fight and they are going to have to fight with guns.'
"We Christians need to think strategically. There is an urgent need for Christians to wake up and to think strategically. Remember the price the martyrs paid. Islam is thinking strategically, we must do so without compromising our democratic principles. We must say NO to Sharia Law. We must say NO to Sharia financing and banking laws and to encourage Christians to invest for mission. Christians must regain a holistic mission sense.
"I cannot do everything, but I must not do nothing," concluded Cox.
Participants to the New Wineskins Global Missions conference camd from the US, Sudan, Uganda, Nigeria, Turkey, Myanmar, Niger, Canada, Kenya, Israel, Madagascar, Chile, Brazil, Belize, Dominican Republic, New Zealand, England, Pakistan, India, Burma, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Honduras, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Peru.
The baroness has written her own book the "Cox's Book of Modern Saints". It can be purchased here: http://tinyurl.com/y7ws6gl