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SALT LAKE CITY, UT: The names are out on the HOB roll call vote on Resolution A-036

SALT LAKE CITY, UT: The names are out on the HOB roll call vote on Resolution A-036
Within 24 hours of the HOB roll call vote the media was able to obtain the voting list

By Mary Ann Mueller
VOL Special Correspondent
July 2, 2015

After the House of Bishops voted on A049 at the 2012 Episcopal General Convention, it took The Episcopal Church 357 days or 51 weeks to release the roll call voting record, when the 2012 General Convention Journal was printed in July 2013.

Monday Bishop Michael Smith (IX North Dakota) and Bishop John Bauerschmidt (XI Tennessee) both called for a roll call vote on A036. Five other bishops stood with them in solidarity thus forcing the Presiding Bishop to follow HOB rules and call for a roll call vote by seniority.

"I just want to remind the House that roll call votes are not there simply there to annoy people," Bishop Smith explained. "But they are there to protect the minority from being overwhelmed by the majority."

Within 24 hours of the roll call vote on A036, the media started to cobble together the results. By late Wednesday afternoon, Anglican Ink and this VIRTUEONLINE reporter were able to put the finishing touches on the list and get a complete picture of how the HOB voted to change the understanding of marriage in The Episcopal Church by altering Canon I.18 to reflect genderless language and remove any reference to husband and wife. The final tally was 129 for, 26 against, with five abstaining. The Resolution was then sent to the House of Deputies for concurrence.

After the landslide election of Bishop Michael Curry (XI North Carolina) as the next presiding bishop on Saturday, primate bishops started to slowly leave Salt Lake City. 174 bishops participated in the presiding bishop's election. By Monday, 160 bishops were left for the HOB roll call vote on A036.

"When we finish the roll and the tally is reported there is no celebration or outcry," the out-going Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori cautioned. "It is not appropriate, it's not respectful of members who may have voted in the other direction or abstained. We'll simply hear the result."

In all HOB Secretary Bishop Kenneth Price called out 166 names by seniority. Only 160 bishops responded; the others were missing in action.

When the vote tally was announced by the Presiding Bishop it was revealed that 129 bishops voted for the measure. They include: Leo Frade (III Southeast Florida); Peter Lee (XII Virginia-retired); Allen Bartlett (XIV Pennsylvania-retired); Arthur Williams (Ohio-retired suffragan); Donald Hart (IV Hawaii-retired); John Buchanan (VI West Missouri-retired); Robert Johnson (IV Western North Carolina-retired); Charles Keyser (Florida-assisting); Victor Scantlebury (Panama-interim); Jerry Lamb (VI Northern California-retired); Alfred Marble (VIII Mississippi-retired); Clayton Matthews (TEC Pastoral Development Officer); Edwin Gulick (VII Kentucky-retired) HOB Secretary Kenneth Price (Southern Ohio-retired suffragan); Dorsey Henderson (Florida-assisting); David Jones (Virginia-retired suffragan); Robert Ihloff (XIII Maryland-retired); Gary Gloster (North Carolina-suffragan); Clifton Daniel (Pennsylvania-provisional); Henry Parsley (Easton-provisional); Neff Powell (V Southwestern Virginia-retired); Richard Chang (IV Hawaii-retired); Rodney Michel (Pennsylvania-assisting); Catherine Waynick (X Indianapolis); Wallis Ohl (IV Northwest Texas-retired); Barry Howe (VII West Missouri-retired); Chilton Knudsen (Maryland-assistant/designate); Mark Sisk (XV New York-retired); Wayne Wright (X Delaware); John Rabb (Maryland-retired suffragan); Charles vonRosenberg (The Episcopal Church IN South Carolina-provisional); William Persell (XI Chicago-retired); Keith Whitmore (Atlanta-assistant); Michael Garrison (X Western New York); Wendell Gibbs (X Michigan); Jon Bruno (VI Los Angeles) Michael Curry (Presiding Bishop-Elect); William Gregg (IV Eastern Oregon-retired); Stacy Sauls (TEC Chief Operating Officer); and Wilfrido Ramos-Orench (Puerto Rico-assistant).

ALSO: James Waggoner (VIII Spokane); Katharine Jefferts Schori (XXVI Presiding Bishop); Thomas Ely (X Vermont); Philip Duncan (III Central Gulf Coast); Don E. Johnson (III West Tennessee); Neil Alexander (IX Atlanta-retired); Michie Klusmeyer (VII West Virginia); Gladstone Adams (X Central New York); Pierre Whalon (Europe); Marc Andrus (VIII California); Wayne Smith (X Missouri); Carol Gallagher (Montana-assistant); Robert Gepert (Central Pennsylvania-provisional) James Shand (X Easton-retired) Alan Scarfe (IX Iowa); Joe Burnett (X Nebraska-retired); Franklin Brookhart (IX Montana); Rayford High (Texas-retired suffragan); Robert O'Neill (X Colorado); George Councell (XI New Jersey-retired); Vicky Gene Robinson (IX New Hampshire-retired) ; HOB Vice-Chair Dean Wolfe (IX Kansas ); Mark Hollingsworth ( XI Ohio); Kirk Smith (V Arizona); Porter Taylor (V Western North Carolina); Bavi Nedi Rivera (Eastern Oregon-provisional); James Mathes (IV San Diego); Todd Ousley (II Eastern Michigan); Barry Beisner (VII Northern California); Nathan Baxter ( X Central Pennsylvania-retired); Larry Benfield (XIII Arkansas); Mark Beckwith (X Newark); Robert Fitzpatrick (V Hawaii)'; PB Candidate Thomas Breidenthal ( IX Southern Ohio); Shannon Johnston (XIII Virginia); Laura Ahrens (Connecticut-suffragan); Sean Rowe (VIII Northwestern Pennsylvania & Bethlehem-provisional); and Gregory Rickel (VIII Olympia).

ALSO: Mary Gray-Reeves (III El Camino Real); Dan Edwards (IV Nevada); McKee Sloan (XI Alabama); Jeffrey Lee (XII Chicago) Stephen Lane (IX Maine) Prince Singh (VIII Rochester); Eugene Sutton (XIV Maryland); Brian Thom (XV Idaho); Herman Hollerith (X Southern Virginia); Scott Mayer (V Northwest Texas & TEC Fort Worth-IV provisional); Lawrence Provenzano (VIII Long Island); John Tarrant (X South Dakota); Brian Prior (IX Minnesota); Michael Hanley (X Oregon) PB Candidate Ian Douglas (XV Connecticut); Morris Thompson (XI Louisiana); Diane Bruce (Los Angeles-suffragan); Mary Glasspool (Los Angeles-suffragan); Andrew Waldo (VIII Upper South Carolina); Jay Magness (VI Armed Forces Chaplaincy); David Bailey (III Navajoland); Mark Lattime (VIII Alaska); Terry White (VIII Kentucky); Michael Vono (IX Rio Grande); Scott Hayashi (XI Utah); Michael Miliken (V Western Kansas); Martin Field (VIII West Missouri); William Franklin (XI Western New York); Rayford Ray (XI Northern Michigan); George Young (IV East Tennessee); Scott Barker (XI Nebraska ); Mariann Budde (IX Washington, DC); Andrew Dietsche (XVI New York); Jacob Owensby (IV Western Louisiana); Susan Goff (Virginia-suffragan); Robert Hirschfield (X New Hampshire); Robert Wright (X Atlanta); Nicholas Knisely (XIII Rhode Island); Santosh Marray (Alabama-assistant) Douglas Fisher (IX Western Massachusetts); Doug Hahn (VII Lexington); William Lambert (VI Eau Claire); Anne Hodges-Copple (North Carolina-suffragan); Mark Bourlakas (VI Southwestern Virginia); Whayne Hougland (IX Western Michigan); William Stokes (XII New Jersey); David Rice (TEC San Joaquin-III provisional); Allen Shin (New York-suffragan); Alan Gates (XVI Massachusetts); Robert Skirving (VIII East Carolina); and Peter Eaton (Southeast Florida-coadjutor).

Only 26 bishops voted against Resolution A036. They are: Don Wimberly (VIII Texas-retired); Julio Holguin (III Dominican Republic); Jean-Zache Duracin (V Haiti); Alfredo Morante (IV Litoral Ecuador); William Skilton (South Carolina- retired suffragan); Edward Little (VII Northern Indiana); Daniel Herzog (VIII Albany-retired); Francisco Duque-Gómez (IV Colombia); Lloyd Allen (III Honduras); Samuel Howard (VIII Florida); Gary Lillibridge (IX West Texas); Michael Smith (XI North Dakota); Ambrose Gumbs (V Virgin Islands); Orlando Guerrero (III Venezuela); David M. Reed (West Texas-coadjutor); William Love (IX Albany); Dena Harrison (Texas-suffragan); John Bauerschmidt (XI Tennessee); Edward Konieczny (V Oklahoma); Paul Lambert (Dallas suffragan/pro-tem); John Smylie (IX Wyoming); Daniel Martins (XI Springfield); Jeff Fisher (Texas-suffragan); Dorsey McConnell (VIII TEC Pittsburgh); Gregory Brewer (IV Central Florida); and Matthew Gunter (VIII Fond du Lac).

Five bishops chose to abstain. They were: Geralyn Wolf (XII Rhode Island-retired); Steven Miller (XI Milwaukee); PB Candidate Dabney Smith (V Southwest Florida); Scott Benhase (X Georgia); and Andrew Doyle (IX Texas).

Wednesday afternoon the House of Deputies concurred with House of Bishops passing Resolution A036 with a vote of 85 for; 15 against; and six split in the clerical order; and 88 for, 12 against, and six split in the lay order thus helping to usher in gay marriage not only as the law of the land, by virtue of the recent Supreme Court ruling making gay marriage a constitutional right, but also insuring that gay marriage is now enshrined in the canons of The Episcopal Church, while ignoring what the Book of Common Prayer says about Holy Matrimony.

Canon I.18 "Of the Solemnization of Holy Matrimony" revamped as "Of the Celebration and Blessing of Marriage" takes effect church wide on Nov. 29, 2015, which is the first Sunday in Advent.

Currently there are still several dioceses which do not celebrate or bless same-sex marriage including: Eau Claire, North Dakota, Dallas, Northwest Texas, Central Florida, Springfield, Florida, Northern Indiana, Albany, the Navajoland, Tennessee, Southwest Florida, Western Kansas, and Fond du Lac. Bishops of these dioceses will face some difficult challenges when they return from General Convention for both civil law and canon law changed while they were in Salt Lake.

Mary Ann Mueller is a journalist living in Texas. She is a regular contributor to VirtueOnline

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