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Diocese of Minnesota sells diocesan office to Native America tribe

Diocese of Minnesota sells diocesan office to Native America tribe
New Life Comes Forth

The Bishop's Blog
Episcopal Church in Minnesota
April 25, 2017

By now some of you are aware that the ECMN board of Trustees has sold the 1730 Clifton Place property to the White Earth Nation. Serving the Episcopal Church in Minnesota for over 20 years, this building, like most of us, has had its good days and its bad. Many faithful people through the years have had inspiring dreams of what the property could be. And yet, through the years, there've been many challenging experiences for those who have dared to dream of how the property could be a greater asset for God's mission.

I am truly sorry for all those inspiring dreams that we were not able to accomplish together. In the midst of that, I am also truly grateful for all those who have worked hard to be good stewards of 1730 Clifton Place. And at the end of the day, as we are once again reminded in this Easter season, we are resurrection people. Because of this, I believe new life always finds a way to come forth.

I'm excited for the new possibilities of the expanded work of White Earth Nation. Long time tenants, and now owners of 1730 Clifton Place, they have already begun to provide services for a much larger population. And I'm very grateful to hear how the Dean of St. Mark's Cathedral is also beginning to imagine and encourage a stronger relationship with their new neighbors (see his note about it here.)

I'm excited about the next chapter for the people of ECMN, their Missioners, and I as your Bishop, in finding a new space to gather, to discern, to prepare and to go forth to engage God's mission across Minnesota. A space that will not only be inviting, accessible, and inspire innovation, but will itself be a place where God's mission is being engaged right there in its new neighborhood.

Our work to realize this dream for the offices for ECMN are well under way. As things move forward, be assured that you will be made aware of all the details for this new space. Prayers, as always, would be appreciated!

Here is the original note sent out on Thursday April 20th.

The Trustees of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota are pleased to announce the sale of 1730 Clifton Place to the White Earth Nation.

Since 1995, Clifton Place has served as the office of the Bishop, along with other community services such as the Sheltering Arms Foundation, Episcopal House of Prayer, Indian Child Welfare Act legal offices, Episcopal Community Services, White Earth tribal services, Ready for Success, and as offices for several mental health professionals. Truly, Clifton Place has been an asset to the Episcopal Church in Minnesota, and we are proud that the White Earth Nation will be continuing the good work begun here by offering services to tribal members in the Twin Cities.

The Bishop and Missioners of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota will remain at 1730 Clifton Place while new office locations are explored. The Trustees continue to work to find a new home for ECMN that will be both missional and sustainable. We look forward to announcing our next steps soon.

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