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PLANO, TX: Church Missiologist Urges Anglicans to Plant a Thousand New Churches

PLANO, TX: Church Missiologist Urges Anglicans to Plant a Thousand New Churches

By David W. Virtue in Plano
February 22, 2010

North America could see a thousand new Anglican churches planted on its soil if 300 church planters and leaders have anything to do with it. If they succeed, they will be the leading church planting denomination in America today, the brainchild of Anglican Archbishop Robert Duncan.

Fr. David Roseberry, rector of Christ Church, Plano and host of the church planting conference, told the church planters that the Anglican Communion is at a crossroads and this gathering could break the logjam in North America Anglicanism.

Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) Archbishop Robert Duncan noted that when he first spoke at Plano last year there were 73 congregations. "Now there are more than 800 churches or 200 a week since June. If there is fruitfulness it is because what our Father (in heaven) is doing and his work in us and his Son. We are sent by his Son and the world desperately needs to hear what his Son says. We are transformed by his Son and that is our call."

Duncan said the conference is an opportunity "to get our [ACNA's] vision together in a way that movements like this can change the world. It is our understanding of the vision that there is no need for control like the age of Wesley. If we are accountable to the Word, tradition and the Holy Spirit and if we are accountable for the transformation of society we will have 1000 churches in five years."

The Rev. Dr. Ed Stetzer, church planting president of Lifeway Research, missiologist and seminary professor, told listeners that church planting is like having a baby...bloody, messy painful, but great when it is all done.

Using II Tim 4:5 as his text for church planting, Stetzer said church planting is not easy, that he has planted five with one failure in Buffalo, NY. Churches must produce a sustaining movement if they are to survive and grow.

Recognizing that most of the conferees have come out of The Episcopal Church, Stetzer said, "What is going on in your windshield or filling your windshield with the troubles you came through must now be in your rear view mirror. You need a clear windshield."

Is church panting doable? Stetzer said for a church to multiply and grow from 800 to 1200, 50% must be converts for the next generation. He predicted ACNA would become a multiplication movement in North America.

Citing history, Stetzer said that in the 15 years between 1795-1810, the Methodists and the Baptists planted 3,000 churches on the western frontier in the US. "Church planting is not simply an idea, but a passion. It must permeate your national consciousness."

Stetzer offered these ideas:

* What you celebrate is what you become.
* When you harvest, think of what the Global South has achieved. Do the work of an evangelist. They are doing missionary work in new evangelistic ways.
* The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.
* Make sure the 1000 are church plants. Most new plants are lifeboats, not church plants.
* You cannot build a church planting movement on life boat Episcopalians.
* You must plant 1000 churches in evangelistic ways.
* 50% growth and 50% must be new generation.
* Do the work of an evangelist. Church planting is not the goal; church planting is the tool. The goal is the glory of God and the redemption of people.
* We are told to make disciples and churches are formed. The command is to do the work of an evangelist.
* The way the church is formed now will determine the way the church is formed for the future.
* On church planting. Evangelism is a bloody cross and an empty tomb. Christians are turned off to evangelism because it is done in unhelpful ways. Must not become a life boat movement but a missionary movement.
* Challenge of universalism. - Jesus is the only way to heaven. If you don't believe in the uniqueness of Jesus Christ, then you are little more than a Rotary or Optimist Club. The answer is Jesus is THE way, THE truth. We must call people to repent and believe in the gospel.
* This universalism is not just a denominational hierarchical problem; it is an issue with people in the pews.
* We are not a recruiting movement but a reconciliation movement. We must reach the lost.
* We must not recruit people to a cause we must recruit people to Christ.
* If you always talk about the church without an evangelistic plan and an evangelical passion, it is a recipe for disaster.
* Share and show the Good News about Jesus Christ.
* Plant change agent churches
* Sharing and showing the Good News of Jesus Christ is about advancing the work of the Kingdom of God.
* Be holistic, but tell them what they must do to be saved. Tell the good news at any cost.
* Show the gospel by your actions and by your words. Both are needed.
* Invitations. Inviting people to church is not evangelism.
* Planting churches in the 80s and 90s is not the way to plant churches in 2010. You need more than invitations.
* Labor is the work of evangelism. Ask the question what occupies your time. My Anglican friends find this very hard for them. The biggest struggle of church is how to spend 12 -15 hours a week not just filling in the hours.
* Try coffee shop evangelism. It is where you will meet strangers. Make conversation with strangers. It is not easy. Find their felt needs. Begin there. It is not easy.
* Ultimately you must get to the point where the cross has to be preached; the cross is the stumbling block you cannot avoid it.
* You cannot lead what you do not live.
* You don't have to be seeker or be cutting edge, but you do have to tell people about Jesus.
* The answer is to proclaim the gospel and not to compromise on the message.
* There is no such thing as the gift of evangelism in the Bible. We have convinced Christians only certain people have the gift and should be responsible to do evangelism. Not true. Evangelism is the duty and calling of every Christian.
* The reality is we are called to be missionaries, or as Spurgeon said, you are either a missionary or an imposter.
* Message of reconciliation to the US is to do the work of an evangelist. Inviting people and bringing a friend is missional. The wheat is still not harvesting itself.
* Be known as a place where Jesus is known and other people know him. Preach a clear unchanging gospel so His name is more widely known.
* Keep a clear head, endure the hardship and do the work of an evangelist and fulfill your ministry.
* I believe you can do it sociologically because you believe what you believe.
* Focus on the harvest field and the workers.
* Be more like the Global South. Let them be a theological and ecclesiastical covering. Have a missiological focus. Be like the Global South, a robust mission driven movement proclaiming the gospel in faithful ways.
* Be a robust confessional movement of Anglicans at a substantially higher level of enthusiasm. Recognize the passionate nature of the gospel.
* You don't have to reinvent anything to be more like the Global South. Be passionately evangelistic. See church planting as a tool for gospel expansion.
* Take a lay catechist approach. Lay pastors might have to be bi-vocational. Learn to love the word bi-vocational. It is not a bad thing but a good thing.
* Baptists have a Low Church polity. You need to learn from the Baptists. They give someone permission on the local level to go out and evangelize.
* Methodists had circuit riders in church polity and so practice their polity.
* Anglicans need to have circuit riders following as the Methodists did.
* You really have to create a system based on historical practices and biblical theology.
* You need a robust credentialing.
* Your missionary methods should be St. Paul's, not your own.
* Your polity should be a servant to your theology and mission.
* The Vineyard movement gave people permission to church plant.
* Fight for converts not over prayers books or jurisdictions.
* You are the third way.
* You must have confessional consensus and missional passion.
* Structures will form out of mission.
* Move from a parish mentality to a people group mentality.
* The parish system which we inherited from our predecessors was built on sameness and geography. It is not applicable here. We have ethnic diversity in the world. There are more people groups represented than ever before. The parish model was set up when we all looked alike. That is gone.
* One of the rules is that you can't be near any of the 800 churches you now have. Go plant elsewhere.
* Pockets of church planting can begin and then expand.
* Remember there are plenty of lost people to go around, so share with others.
* Convert people to Christ and not to a cause.
* This room is still very white. Move from parish to people groups.
* You must not plant Anglo churches. The majority of church plants are non Anglos.
* 57% of Southern Baptist new churches are non Anglos.
* They are seeing remarkable revival. They have moved from parish to people group evangelism.
* Every church could start a language church and meet at different times of the day.
* Focus on confessional consensus and missional cooperation. You have to have common beliefs. You have REC, Anglo-Catholic, charismatic and evangelical.
* Allow for diversity of practice while standing on biblical doctrine. You can do both. If you cannot do both stop fellowshipping with the global south.
* Have a space for the entrepreneurs.
* Don't lose your John Wesley's. You can have space for those with a common theological understanding.
* There is a move to de-emphasize distinctives. You Anglicans are a fascinating movement because you are evangelical, catholic and charismatic. People need something unique and distinct. Evangelicalism is adrift in many ways. Don't go there.
* Where you find orthodoxy in denominational structures, work with it.
* If you are going to be a movement to change the world, there are things you should do and not do. Do not be part of the evangelical mainstream. Join as friends but be faithful to what the churches teach.
* Be willing to get dirty. Know who you are. Do not abandon theological principle.
* Remember liberals don't plant churches.
* Why not support a dying church instead of staring a new church? Answer. It is easy to birth the baby than raise the dead.
* Church planting movements sometimes create new life forms. (Laughter). You need to get comfortable with failure. I planted 5 churches; one of them didn't make it. Fail boldly. Be willing to get dirty. Do not exist as an alternative to someone else.

Stetzer concluded by saying that orthodox Anglicans in North America have an unprecedented, kairos moment to reach people who need the unchanging biblical message of transformation through Jesus Christ presented in a way that connects them back to that great tradition of word, sacrament, and spiritual disciplines: deep calling unto deep, Christ changing us from the inside out, and that transformation spilling over into our (Anglican) networks, neighborhoods and communities.

CANA canon missioner, Julian Dobbs said, "If you are not passionate about Jesus you ought not to be in the church planting business. We want churches that reach the lost for Christ that is what this new Anglicanism is all about."


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