RECIFE: Diocesan Leaders issue Motion of Solidarity to Global South
The Standing Committee, the Archdeacons and the Secretariat of the Anglican Diocese of Recife, in their jointing meeting of July, 15th, 2005, unanimously, express its solidarity to the Primates of the Global South, to the orthodox Anglican bishops of Africa, Asia and the Southern Cone, to the conservative Anglicans of USA and the Church of England, unjustly accused by the Brazilian liberal bishop Jubal Pereira Neves (in his Episcopal Report to the 58th Diocesan Synod of the South-Western Diocese) of constituting a movement orchestrated orchestrated by the conservative Anglicans of the "Global South", who are seeking power over and control of the Anglican Communion, of having authoritarian and fundamentalist positions, of taking of base the use of Resolution 1.10 of the Lambeth Conference, 1998, as a "straight-jacket".
At the same time to protest and to express their disagreement to bishop Neves position (thought, unhappily, common in Brazil's House of Bishops) when he affirms, referring to those who practice: "If homosexuals are children of God and "full members of the body of Christ", why can they not be ordained?".
For the other side, the deplorable text, of bishop Jubal Neves, recognized the true reasons behind the Disciplinary Process against our diocesan bishop, when he says: "Bishop Robinson Cavalcanti insists that he cannot be part of a Province whose Primate and subordinate bishops are liberal to the point of accepting the ordination of homosexuals".
To all bishops and leaders hurted, we express our gratitude, our support and our encouragement in order that all may continue stay firm in the Apostolic Faith, and in the task of building up an Anglican Communion faithfull to the Word of God.
Recife, July 15th, 2005.
Revd. Maurício Roberto F. Coelho +
Chairman - Standing Committee
Revd. Juciara Maria Rodrigues do Nascimento +
Standing Committee
Revd. Solange Cristina Pereira +
Standing Committee
Revd Daniel Barbosa da Silva, OSE +
Standing Committee
Mr. Ricardo Melo
Standing Committee
Mr. Emanuel de Albuquerque Autran
Standing Committee
Mrs. Marluce Souza Viana Barreto
Standing Committee
Ven. Arc. Very Revd. Luiz Souza de França +
PB/RN States Archdeaconry
Ven. Arc. Revd. Maria Gorete C. Marques Silva, OSE +
North Archdeaconry and Social Action Secretary
Ven. Arc. Revd. Evilásio Tenório da Silva +
Center Archdeaconry
Ven. Arc. Revd. Miguel Â. de A. Uchôa Cavalcanti +
South Archdeaconry
Revd. Fred de Melo Souto Lima +
Administrative Secretary
Mr. José Clementino de Santana
Financial Secretary
Very Revd. Manoel S. Moraes de Almeida, OSE +
Human Rights Secretary
Revd. Raniere Almeida de Oliveira +
Education Secretary
Revd. César Romero Leal Vieira +
Evangelism and Mission Secretary
Lay Reader Jeane Grande A. de Miranda Coelho
Intercession Secretary
Revd. Josias Pereira de Souza Júnior +
Youth Secretary
Revd. Tibério Marques da Silva +
Men Secretary
Mrs. Fátima Adolfo França
Women Secretary
Revd. Estevao Menezes Chiappetta +
International Relationship Secretary