With apologies to C.S. Lewis
By David W. Virtue
My dear Wormwood,
Word of your enormous success with America's mainline denominations continues to draw our father's attention and gratitude.
That you are systematically undermining them all over pansexual behavior is nothing short of genius. We note with interest that the Scandinavian countries have been seduced by sodomy as well, indicative of that fact that deviant sex can be sold trans nationally especially in Luther's denomination. It has taken nearly 500 years, but we are almost there. We were never able to undo or undermine Simul Justus Et Peccatore, but we did it with Copulo ergo sum. Sex is the new salvation.
We are particularly delighted that America's premier denomination, The Episcopal Church, has almost completely rolled over. Only a handful of Communion Partner bishops remain and I am sure you will see to it that replacements in dioceses like Springfield and Western Kansas will see moderate men of all shades of opinion claiming the high moral ground of theological inclusivity. No screaming faggots, of course, no Mary Glasspools or Gene Robinsons, just a modest, contemplative, happily married photogenic liberal who promises to bring everybody to the table to have "conversation." They are the best kind. They are, of course, firmly in our camp, but don't know it. Make sure they are men who know how to listen. Oh my, how we love that word.
"Listening" and "conversation" have been the most manipulative verbal tools at our disposal to woo and win fence sitters and alleged orthodox types.
That the Listening Process still continues with pots of money to keep it all going, enabled by a queer Episcopal priest was a stroke of luck. Make sure that for every ex gay they "listen" to, that the voices and "pain" of 20 "marginalized" homosexuals is fed into the system. Remember, Wormwood, the art of seduction is best done by desensitizing and ultimately dumbing down the other side so they finally just roll over and accept this abominable behavior that has brought so many to our father's hell.
We particularly like the fact that the Archbishop of Canterbury calls on all sides to continue listening and to be in "conversation" with one another. This is a great strategy, almost as good as listening. Its intent is to converse and converse and converse till everybody gets worn down and finally rolls over. It was the strategy of Frank Griswold. It worked brilliantly for him among the House of Bishops, it is working brilliantly for us.
I must confess to you Wormwood that the rollover of this Bishop Jones fellow in the Church of England recently was an unexpected serendipitous moment. A leading evangelical bishop no less. What fools they are Wormwood. The new argument that sexuality is a second tier issue is sweet music to our ears and fills hell with those who believe they can divorce spirituality from sexual behavior.
That Global South archbishops and bishops hardened their hearts against us and formed their horrid GAFCON was a bitter blow, but fear not, Wormwood. Our emissaries and agents are hard at work in Uganda and Nigeria, in the latter fomenting Islamic fanatics to kill Christians though there is a danger that could backfire. We are working daily to undermine their dogmatic stance. We are throwing around the word "homophobia" like so much sand in the faces of their bishops. We are also doing our utmost to undermine the African courts, sending in our political agents in the form of UN representatives and that dreadful creature from America, Hilary Clinton. What a godsend she has been, if you'll pardon the pun.
On reviewing your successes, Wormwood, we would urge you to lighten up on the litigation front. All is not going well there.
The other side has had singular successes in South Carolina and, it would appear, Virginia. Nothing is set in stone and we have appeals out there, but we urge caution as this could all backfire on us. If any State Supreme Court sees in favor of the other side, it sets a legal precedent and makes our case to The Supreme Court of the United States even harder to forever enshrine the Dennis Canon. Mind how you go, Wormwood, our father is watching your progress.
As it seems almost assured that the Diocese of Los Angeles will have a lesbian for a bishop, make sure that the voices of the Windsor bishops and Communion Partner bishops are heard to say that they want to remain in communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury. It is imperative that the Communion stays together in order for us to undermine the whole thing, Wormwood. Splits and separations do us no good; they highlight the differences, create martyrs and embolden evangelists and church planters.
Rowan Williams must be made to hear that holding onto The Episcopal Church is imperative if only for the sake of the dwindling Communion Partner bishops and their dioceses.
Keep working on Williams and his people to create wedges among soft Global South archbishops, bishops and theologians with endless encounters and theological position papers. Wherever there is a perceived weakness in Southeast Asia or Africa, exploit it, Wormwood.
We were delighted to read of the recent Communiqué from the Dialogue of African and Canadian Bishops in England. Such gatherings are sweet music to our ears. Putting together five Canadian and six African dioceses and engaging them in diocese-to-diocese theological dialogue on matters relating to human sexuality and mission was a stroke of genius. We especially love this little phrase: "As we continue to learn about each other's mission contexts, cultures, values and languages, each of us grows in deeper mutual understanding of theological and ethical positions - both our own and those of our partners."
As post-modernity overtakes Africa and Asia, as it surely will, these "dialogues" will win them over to our side, Wormwood. Endless discussion and conversation ALWAYS works in our favor. As long as no fool stands up and says, "this is the Word of the Lord" (theologians rarely do that, only prophets), then we will slowly but surely seduce them all. Indaba them to death, Wormwood.
We can't help but notice the irony that the Anglican Church of Canada is slowly sinking into the sunset with whole dioceses like Quebec and British Columbia on the brink of going out of business. To think that they send theologians to talk to the Africans whose dioceses and provinces are growing by the millions about "mission contexts, culture, values...and ethical positions." Our father was heard to scream with evil laughter when he heard the news.
However, having said this, we are concerned about what we hearing about goings on in the Diocese of South Carolina. If you are not careful, Wormwood, you will make Bishop Mark Lawrence into a martyr for orthodoxy.
Ms Jefferts Schori has very little on him except a lot of hearsay and the other side is getting better, smarter and more aggressive lawyers. Long gone are the days of pro bono legal half-wits. These damned lawyers actually get together and talk. They know more, file more appeals and they are fighting back with everything they have got. Mind how you go, Wormwood. Nothing is sure in dioceses like Ft. Worth, San Joaquin, Pittsburgh and Quincy and the outcomes are by no means certain. In the meantime, ACNA and that vile Duncan fellow have taken the upper hand with his new province and a call to plant 1000 churches. Our father is furious.
The race is won not by the swiftest, Wormwood, it is won by the persistent. Many on the other side have developed serious spinal columns that we would never have guessed. This is especially so among women, where we have seen a sudden rise in interest and fight-back. Who would have thought it, Wormwood? On the other hand the Presiding Bishop of TEC is a dream for us. Her words last summer at General Convention denying personal faith in Jesus had our father briefly wordless.
Our father hails your efforts, but we must never forget that the other side has huge resources at its disposal. Keep undermining them, Wormwood. Your reward and a senior place in our father's kingdom are assured. Retirement is out of the question.
I remain your affectionate uncle,