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With apologies to C.S. Lewis

By David W. Virtue
July 1, 2010

My dear Wormwood,

It would appear to our father's inner circle of courtly devils that this Jefferts Schori woman's recent baring of her fangs to Rowan Williams was a kairos moment in the life of the Anglican Communion. That she did it so publicly and not behind closed doors in the back rooms of Lambeth Palace or at a closed door primatial gathering is something to cherish. We are more than just a little amused. In fact, you might say our father was positively gleeful. He sipped an entire goblet of Pike's blood.

Her predecessor, Frank (of the flexible wrist) Griswold, was never so public except for one of his "private" outbursts in Dromantine at Rowan Williams over his refusal to stand up to Nigerian Primate Peter Akinola over homosexual acceptance that was leaked by that dreadful VOL reporter. For the most part, Griswold publicly parsed and spun what was going on behind closed doors to make his Episcopal garden look free of heretical weeds. It wasn't of course, as we know, but this Jefferts Schori is something else. What an absolute treasure. One thinks perhaps they might have picked her right off the bottom of the ocean floor for the job.

When they elected her Presiding Bishop, we knew she was truly on our father's side, but we never thought, in our wildest dreams (and trust me our father's nightmares can be heard for miles around), that she would come this far (and not be faithful) so fast.

Her rip at Rowan over this miter business was a stupid bit of nonsense, but she managed to morph it into an issue of the victimization of women...truly a gem; a sort of Murder in the Cathedral by mitre. She meted to the wannabe women bishops' issue in England a colossal hand up and an open door of victimhood. All those embarrassing questions about the exclusion of gays and lesbians from all orders of ministry she and her Executive Council posed to Secretary General Canon Kenneth Kearon just ratcheted up the pain a whole lot more. What a week it has truly been.

Kearon left Maryland whipped. He deserved it, of course. As one blogger rightly pointed out, when the revisionists no longer have the orthodox to kick around, they turn on their own and devour them. Our father worked on this strategy for a long time, Wormwood, in one his famous seminars on "Winning through Intimidation". He has honed it into "Winning by Victimization." You will recall that Joseph Stalin was his most famous disciple with the former. "Turning on your Own" came in a later series of lectures. "Winning by Desensitization", especially in this "Listening Process" for pansexual acceptance, might well be his highest achievement.

It would also appear that there is much weakness in the Church of England's armor these days, Wormwood, over sodomy that is worth exploiting. The list of "wobbler" bishops now runs to Liverpool, Gloucester, Chelmsford, Manchester, Lichfield and Stafford, but doubtless more could be included. They are all Rowan's men and, therefore, ours. Push harder, Wormwood. Make them look vaguely courageous and, at the same time, humble about admitting their homophobia. A touch of contriteness helps...and for hell's sake, make sure the TV cameras are on when they go public with their "confession". A picture is worth...etc.

The wonderful news is that Rowan just doesn't get it. The more he tries to find compromises to hold the whole Anglican Communion together, the faster it falls apart. We know where his true sympathies lie, of course, and that makes it all the more interesting and devilish.

The Covenant is really quite farcical. The orthodox happily sign on to it while the liberals and revisionists prevaricate because they don't like Section 4, which is really quite toothless. The truth is, any sanction of their behavior is cause for alarm with cries of homophobia from organizations like Changing Attitude and Integrity and Jefferts Schori.

Schori is busy, we note from you, running around the world schoring up her pansexual base among liberal Anglican provinces. A brilliant move on your part, Wormwood. Keep her flying and talking, and talking...and talking about (homo)sex till her miter falls off. We did note, with alarm, that they banned her in Christchurch Cathedral (NZ), no doubt to keep Rowan happy, or at least not totally apoplectic.

Rowan's private views on homosexuality which, we know, are at variance with his public stand so as not to offend the Global South, is coming back to bite him in the proverbial bottom. The truth is the Global South is not buying his theological schizophrenia, any more. They are quietly distancing themselves from him.

We believe it is time, Wormwood, for you to put the thumbscrews on Rowan the Compromiser, to smoke him out, force him into the open. If you don't, there will be all Hell to pay. As long as he thinks he is finding a way forward, the orthodox will just keep drifting away, forming their own more perfect union. The sight of ACNA, GAFCON and then FCA along with four fleeing Episcopal dioceses and some 800 parishes in the US and Canada is not something we bargained on and it has created enormous foment in the nether regions. Our father has been breathing fire and brimstone ever since that dreadful Duncan fellow started making orthodox waves. That he has been hedged about with so much spiritual protection has been an issue of profound angst to our father.

Jefferts Schori might split the communion, or, at a minimum, polarize it to the point of irrelevancy. She has killed off evangelism in her own church, but this in turn has forced the Global South to be more aggressive in their evangelistic efforts. Keep up the pressure on Islam to bash sodomy in the West. It will also give them the excuse they need to persecute Christians in the Global South.

Finally, and this is most important Wormwood, focus on corrupting language. Make words mean something from what they originally meant. Think Alice in Wonderland:

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less."
"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."
"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master - that's all."

Take for instance, the latest word game played by a certain Richard Helmer in an essay he wrote over the meaning of "Chastity".

In times past, chastity meant abstinence that is refraining from sexual activity outside of marriage between a man and a woman (It is important to stress the latter now that gay marriage is out and about.). This was the gold standard throughout church history and still is for most of the world especially the Global South.

Helmer refers to chastity, which, he says, has to do with "fidelity". Then he says, "Chastity means setting aside dominance and control and seeking instead a new way to relate to the world and to God. He then goes on to say he is concerned about "a failure of chastity" which he then clarifies this way: "...I don't mean sex outside the marriage. By chastity in marriage I mean the challenge of setting aside the stubborn drive to control or change the person we most cherish."

He then added, "Chaste behavior has been in the quiet but transformative story-telling and building up of authentic relationships across the divides of gender, class, race, culture, sexuality, and ideology all across the Communion recently. Chastity allows us to be ourselves by allowing others to be themselves. Chastity makes it known when we are encountering oppression and articulates our needs as they arise. Chastity seeks honest accountability. Chastity sets aside the weapons and metaphors of war for an honest, authentic justice. Chastity endeavors to shed the harbored resentments and unmet wants of our brief lives and move forward in renewed relationship."

The subtlety of this, Wormwood, is to lift all sexual restraints in the name of chastity. This is brilliant. Stay away from words like abstinence, or virginity (heaven forbid, if you'll pardon the pun). Helmer has abandoned Scripture (much to our father's liking) and opts for a Gnostic, sociological interpretation of chastity that allows homosexuals to advance their behavior in the name of not being oppressed and being free.

How can bishops Gene Robinson or Mary Glasspool possibly be chaste? A man or a woman in a same sex relationship cannot possibly be chaste. It is a contradiction in terms.

They must not be made to see this, Wormwood. We love all that talk of "mutuality" and "faithfulness" and "encouragement" and "life enhancement"... these words are sweet music to our ears. Any talk of chastity as abstinence or obedience to THEIR Father must be thwarted at every turn.

The saying that hell hath no fury like Jefferts Schori scorned pales against our father whose fury knows no bounds if he should catch even a whiff of repentance from those who have sworn eternal fealty to us. There would be all hell to pay.

I remain,

Your affectionate Uncle,


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