So Why the Fuss about the Decriminalization of Polygamy?
By Lisa Severine Nolland
December 15, 2013
Gay history shows that liberation comes in steps. First gay relationships had to be accepted as legitimate and non-criminal. Once that occurred, then gay marriage followed. I think our [poly] normalization will follow the same course. Canadian 'poly' spokesman John Ince, 2011 (1)
If you don't support gay marriage don't marry a person of the same-sex. If you don't agree with polygamy, don't marry more than one person. Live and let live. What's the fuss?
Approaching train wreck
For years now a few lone voices have been saying that there is an impending train wreck, yet in the main it falls on deaf ears. For younger people, who cares if one is gay, straight or bi? For older people, especially Christian leaders, just 'preach the Gospel' or run another Christianity Explored or Alpha-that should sort things.
Such approaches, though understandable, are naïve at best and ignorantly culpable at worst.
Pan-sexual revolution
We are presently undergoing a pan sexual revolution of the first order, which is in the cultural air we breathe and is influencing us all, inside and outside the church. Though we are only in the initial stages, the rate of change has grown exponentially while the scope continues to broaden and deepen.
It started with the 'liberation' of straight sex and sexual relationships: pornography, promiscuity, cohabitation, no-fault divorce. Then it moved on to 'liberate' those of the LGBT communities. Now it looks to include those in plural partnerships. [Polygamist Kody Brown and his four 'Sister Wives' are heterosexual, but key players rooting for the Brown Team are other kinds of 'polys', polyamorists (literally 'plural loves'), who can be bisexual, gay or lesbian: the material point is that two will not do.] (2)
And indeed, various other more 'alternative' sexualities are 'coming out' of their closets now. They are tired of waiting. Using the same arguments as the LGBT, they are now demanding the same rights and on the same basis: 'This is me and my identity, I was born this way, I am not hurting anyone, society discriminates against me, I am not putting up with it anymore.' Celibate pedophiles (AKA MAPs, minor-attracted people) and zoophiles, along with polys, are emerging now into 'progressive' mainstream currents. (3)
The church never properly responded to the challenges of liberating 'straight' sex and relationships, ditto for the LGBT. It did not want to rain on anyone's parade, nor add more guilt and pain to the lots of already broken hurting people. Because what actually happened in these more 'alternative' spheres is always whitewashed, it never seemed that bad to the more ignorant- and innocent-minded. And the church had bought the myth that Jesus never talked much about sex anyway, so it did not seem that important.
However, it is not too late to respond to these challenges, as well as the most recent ones of plural relationships (see below). If the church refuses to respond, I believe we will be looking at the following seriously worrying scenarios.
Massive impact
The 'polys' will join the ranks of the LGBT in language, perception and popular culture; they have already made immense progress legally in the US (also Canada). (4) For the most part the public remains clueless. But it is only a matter of time until it reaches here.
And you will go along with it or suffer the consequences. And as you look around, everyone else seems to be going along and falling into line, so you do as well.
You will learn to include the (s) when you write or speak about an individual's sexual 'partner'. Even now the 'progressive' IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Foundation) has done this in its material for young people, 'Healthy, Happy, Hot'. (5)
You will likely rethink your views on 'marriage' and 'relationships', and come to appreciate how for many, the binary model is simply inappropriate and unjust; and though you may not wish to 'open' up your marriage, you have lovely straight, bisexual and gay friends who have done just that and who are you to judge, anyway? It seems to work well enough for them for now, at any rate.
The older, the younger
For the older and still binary-minded, your ante-diluvian views will go the way of the dinosaur, at least in public. Preachers will steer even more clear of these minefields, while majoring on 'love and acceptance'. The unhappily married may well decide to 'open' up the relationship and explore other options to see if that helps. It won't. But by then one or both of you will have 'moved on', leaving a dead family in the aftermath. (6)
For younger progressives, your world views are not as formed and hardened. You will have been convinced you can 'safely' explore your gender, sexuality and ways of 'doing' 'relationships' and family, and that all options must be considered of equal worth and value. You may mentally, physically even, explore kinds and types of sex and relationships your parents would never have dreamt of. Certainly you will have 'blue-sky-sex' friends who 'do stuff' even you inwardly cringe at, but the one rule of life you never question is to remain non-judgemental, loving and inclusive. You will not know it is a con, nor that this 'exploration' comes with a price. (7)
At school
Like trained pets, your children will be taught to affirm all family forms. Stonewall's leading 'Education for All' programme will have to include them as well. At the moment, in fact, it excludes the still marginalized polygamist (mostly Islamic) and polyamorist family units in the UK today (so much for the 'All'). (8)
Your children will be taught that these family forms are no better and no worse than any other, and to believe that such is the case is evil. If you remain sceptical about the goodness or rightness of 'poly' living you will censor your real views or face their fury at your old-fashioned prejudice.
What can be done?
1/ Blow the whistle on the myth that Jesus did not speak much about sex issues. He did. Sex matters a lot to Jesus, and was good but only in a monogamous heterosexual marriage.
2/ Stand up for the view that living and thinking in a distinctively Christian manner in relation to sex and marriage is a vital part of Christian discipleship. Ask your church leadership to do the same.
3/ Get yourself educated on the dangers of all sex outside this framework and the benefit to children of married heterosexual parents, and teach your children the uncensored, real version. Ask your church leadership to do the same.
4/ Become culturally and politically engaged through groups like Christian Concern, Christian Institute or C4M (UK) or National Organization for Marriage (NOM) or other conservative groups (US).
5/ Pray individually and corporately about these matters.
*This article is written in the aftermath of the recent news of polygamist Kody Brown's victory in Utah:
1/ John Ince, November 26th and December 12, 2011:
2/ includes mainstream media items on both polygamy and polyamory 3/; especially;;;;
'We have children, grandchildren, mortgages and bills; there just happens to be three of us';;;;
4/ November 26th and December 12, 2011:
7/;;;;;; (8) (for polygamous family units in the UK); See above for poly family units, also, press UK, to right on side bar) for more;