But Smith identifies women's ordination as the first and most significant existential challenge to the ACNA, and what he wrote contributed to the flurry of public online letters that the bishops of the ACNA received (here and here) leading up to the June meeting to elect a new archbishop. At one point Smith suggests that the differences over women's ordination are so irreconcilable they could portend a divorce:
Read moreWith the emergence of the current European Union the Christian values and ideals fostered by Alcuin, and maintained by eminent thinkers of his persuasion, have been rudely discarded by the architects of the current EU constitution and its ambitions for the success of this massive economic community spanning the continent, striving at its center to realize the cunningly contrived ultimate goal of a federated super state able to rival even the USA on the world stage.
Read moreUnderstanding Theological Error vs. Heresy
Read moreTransubstantiation was especially offensive to 16th century Protestants because the Roman Catholic dogma stands opposed to what the Bible teaches. Protestants knew that, to uphold transubstantiation, they also would have to construct a view of clergy and dress them up as sacrificing priests in the exalted Old Testament sense, and to view that Christ is re-sacrificed in every mass.
Read moreThe Oxford divines challenged each of these with their own pre-Reformation ideas. In fact, Newman and others in the movement ended up leaving the Church of England for the Roman Catholic Church, leaving behind the ruins of a highfalutin and confused self-identity that is constantly in search for new ways to define itself apart from the traditional Anglican formularies (e.g., three-legged stool, lex orandi lex credendi, three-streams, instruments of unity, etc).
Read moreIn the revised common lectionary used by the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, the collect for Pentecost Sunday asks that God may "send us out as witnesses to the wonder of your love". A recent report from the ACSA Synod of Bishops speaks of "our mission to share the love of Jesus with everyone". A search through the collects for the year finds only one collect explicitly referencing the Lord's charge to preach a message (or kerygma).
Read moreThe Kerygma
Kerygma simply refers to the proclamation of the essential Gospel message (from the Greek Keryssein -- to proclaim). The word appears in Matthew 24:14 "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be proclaimed (kerysso) throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations...". The verb is also commonly used in the other synoptics. Paul uses the verb nineteen times and the noun nine times in his letters.
Read moreFor as the Jewish Nehemiah built the walls of Jerusalem in so much opposition, and thereby got himself such everlasting fame. . . so the WALLS of our Jerusalem shall be Archbishop Parker's eternal monument; partly for building them up, chiefly for preserving them, being built, from being thrown down again."
Read moreAs a creedal church, Anglicans have retained three historic creeds: the Apostles’ Creed recited at baptisms and Morning and Evening Prayer, the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed recited at every celebration of the Eucharist, and the Athanasian Creed or Quicunque Vult. The version of the Nicene Creed found in the historic Books of Common Prayer contains the filioque, as does the Athanasian Creed. In addition, the filioque appears in the Litany:
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