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UK: 57% of UK Christians likely to abandon Conservatives over same-sex marriage

UK: 57% of UK Christians likely to abandon the Conservatives over same-sex marriage

November 7th, 2011

A new poll by ComRes has found that a massive 83% of church-going Christians in the UK are opposed to plans by the Conservative Party to legalise homosexual marriage, and 57% of all respondents are 'less likely to vote' for the party because of this move.

The poll results are likely to be viewed as very concerning by the Conservative Party, as church-going Christians represent several million votes.

The poll, commissioned by Premier Christian Media, found that:

83% were opposed to homosexual marriage, with 75% 'strongly opposed';
93% were concerned that clergy would have to conduct homosexual marriages against their consciences;
85% that the value of marriage would be further undermined;
88% that schools would be required to teach the equal validity of same-sex and heterosexual relationships; and
78% that it would be harder to argue against 'other novel types of relationship' such as polygamy.

Incredibly, not one single respondent claimed that this move would make them more disposed to vote Conservative.

Andrea Minichiello Williams, CEO of Christian Concern, said: "God has ordained that marriage is between one man and one woman. The homosexual lobby wants to change this definition and force this change on the general public. Yet most Christians will always hold onto and proclaim the truths revealed in the Bible. These truths are timeless and are for the benefit of mankind. We ignore them at our peril."

Blogger Cranmer noted that:

"The Conservatives have historically got the lion's share of the Christian vote. If the party were to lose millions of these, the boycott/exodus would represent a seismic psephological shift which would certainly lose the party the next general election ... Considering that he lost the last general election by just 16,000 votes, his [David Cameron's] strategy seems incomprehensible."


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