UK Vicar Blasts 'Editorial balance' over transgendered Anglican Canon preaching
Letter to the editor of Christian Today:
By Julian Mann
June 11, 2014
Dear Madam Editor, As a regular reader of Christian Today, I do not dispute your editorial decision to report that the Bishop of Manchester has appointed the Revd Rachel Mann an honorary Canon of the city’s Cathedral. With the Church of England deeply divided over human sexuality, Canon Mann’s self-identification as a lesbian makes the appointment newsworthy.
But I do wish to raise very serious concerns about the lack of editorial balance in the interview with Canon Mann by former Times religious affairs correspondent Ruth Gledhill. It read like a press release for the revisionist stance on human sexuality advocated by Canon Mann.
There was no input in the article from any confessing Anglican who upholds the biblically faithful 1998 Lambeth Resolution on human sexuality supported by the overwhelming majority of Anglican bishops worldwide.
Furthermore, the video below the article showing Canon Mann ‘preaching’ put those of us who uphold the received biblical teaching of the Church that the expression of sexual love is to be reserved exclusively for heterosexual marriage on a moral par with past advocates of slavery.
The first article of CT’s statement of faith declares: “We believe that the Bible, consisting of Old and New Testaments only, is verbally inspired by the Holy Spirit, is inerrant in the original manuscripts, and is the infallible and authoritative Word of God.”
The revisionist line on human sexuality involves twisting the Bible’s teaching and attributing authoritative Apostolic statements against homosexual practice to first century cultural prejudice. This treatment of Holy Scripture thus runs contrary to CT’s own statement of faith.
I would therefore like to request that an editorial statement be appended below the article making clear that CT upholds the Lord Jesus Christ’s teaching on human sexuality as revealed in His authoritative written Word.
Yours faithfully,
Julian Mann
The Vicarage,
Church Street,
Sheffield S35