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October 08 2011 By virtueonline Ordinariate-Bound Former Episcopal Congregation To Be Received As Catholics

The converts, who have been undergoing catechism classes since St. Luke's announced it would to seek admission to the prospective U.S. ordinariate in June, will undergo confirmation as part of the service. The Mass and Rite of Reception will be celebrated by Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington. Anyone interested in witnessing the congregation's reception is invited to attend the service, Fr. Lewis said.

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October 07 2011 By virtueonline ROCHESTER, NY: Two New priests ordained to ACA Ministry

Fr. Bove will be assigned to the Holy Redeemer Anglican Church in Canandaugua, N.Y. Fr. Bove has yet to be assigned.

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September 07 2011 By virtueonline Our Lady Queen of Angels

It was truly humbling when he announced to the hundreds of people there that we were Anglicans and were to be welcomed as we were becoming Roman Catholics through the Holy Father's provision of Anglicanorum coetibus!

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August 09 2011 By virtueonline The New Evangelism and the Ordinariates

This missionary zeal is what is being incorporated into the Ordinariates. There are Anglican Use societies popping up all around the United States, usually very small at this point, with the future goal of becoming full Catholic parishes for the Ordinariate, worshipping according to the Anglican Use. This is the "other side" of our forming the Ordinariate in this country, with the more popular story of the already-established Anglican parishes choosing to come in en masse.

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July 29 2011 By virtueonline Anglican Patrimony or The Anglican Way

Before I make my humble attempt, I should like to make a disclaimer. First, this is not a theological position paper. Those qualified to make such a presentation as Anglicans have probably already done so. Likewise I shall make no attempt to bring specific historic events or persons which have contributed to the schism between Anglicans and Roman Catholics into my discussion.

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July 29 2011 By virtueonline After the noise of battle and yawn

After reading about the Anglican position of the Reformers from Cranmer to Hooker, then about Andrewes, Laud and the Caroline Divines, and about the contributions of Tractarians, etc., leading right up to the Continuing Church, the Monsignor asked which group of Anglicans I was speaking about. Gee-hard to answer that one (it's like discussing the Declaration of Independence and then being asked which party in the Continental Congress it represented.

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July 23 2011 By virtueonline Self defeating - Robert Hart

The ignorance I have encountered from a frightening proportion of Anglican clergy (with frighteningly little to show for their efforts) concerning the writings of Anglican fathers and luminaries, is often compensated for by the propaganda they have swallowed from outspoken proselytizers for one or the other of the Two One True Churches.

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July 06 2011 By virtueonline Anglican funds used to fund Roman Catholic Ordinariate

The grant has prompted an outcry among Anglo-Catholics who have remained in the Church of England.

Shortly before the grant was made, the confraternity changed its membership rules, allowing Roman Catholics to become members for the first time.

Counsel's advice was sought by the confraternity before finalising the grant, a substantial sum which will go a long way to establishing the fledgling Ordinariate as a going concern.

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July 05 2011 By virtueonline ARLINGTON, VA:Anglicans celebrate with 'Catholic theology and Anglican patrimony

As members of the St. Thomas of Canterbury Anglican Use Society of Washington, D.C., and Northern Virginia, these local Anglicans hope to enter full communion with the Catholic Church as a community. Their decision comes after the November 2009 apostolic constitution, "Anglicanorum coetibus," in which Pope Benedict XVI made it possible for Anglicans, who so desired, to be reconciled with the Catholic Church while maintaining certain aspects of their own traditions.

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June 21 2011 By virtueonline A Modest Proposal - Peter Wilkinson

Over the last few months I have spending a certain amount of time recently cogitating on the peculiarities of the Affirmation of St Louis, the way in which they might have distorted the development of the Continuing Anglican movement, and whether our present divisions owe something to the Affirmation.

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