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Christ the Author of Scripture

Christ the Author of Scripture

By Roger Salter
Special to Virtueonline
May 24, 2024

Seeking to know what person or time the Spirit of Christ within them was indicating as he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories to follow. 1 Peter 1:11

In collaboration with the Father and the Holy Spirit the Lord Jesus is the ultimate author of Holy Scripture, and for our maximum benefit he is its best interpreter for all those humbly reliant upon him as master expositor. In his authority and ministry prior to the incarnation he was actually within the inspired human writers predicting the course of his redemptive assignment on earth in his informative influence upon the prophets.

Each was the Savior's spokesman spreading the divine message of the Messiah throughout the documents of the Old Testament which retains its value and relevance more than ever. The OT is Christ's living word from yesterday to lighten our walk of faith today. It outlines the salvific purpose that he would perform so accurately according to forecast, and the message of Messiah impregnates and secures the content of the Abrahamic promise confirmed and concluded in the New. The Old Testament is replete with gems of literary splendor revealing divine wisdom and the way of salvation. The Bible complete is our guide and passport to the glories of the kingdom.

In the preparatory material of the former covenant Jesus supplies us with the autobiography of eternal intent and in the later text of the new covenant Jesus, by his holy presence, the impression of himself as Son of God, and his personal mien and message mapped out the meaning of his saving intervention for us to grasp as a gift from God and our eternal wellbeing.

With what blazing glory the OT presents itself to our perception. It is its message of anticipation that is bound to thrill our minds and souls. We enjoy the OT far more than its many contributors who searched out the meaning of their pronouncements assiduously, tirelessly in quest of the mystery they declared. We see the direction and denouement of Jesus' strivings, sufferings and ultimate success for our rescue from certain doom; his action in effecting our most wonderful rescue by his bloody cross. Scripture is the infallible indicator of the marvelous deeds, atoning death, and blessed vindication of Christ in the glories of resurrection, ascension and reign of the Lord Jesus. In the volume of God's Book [Hebrews 10:7] we grasp the Redeemer in the embrace of faith. He is the Person who becomes most real of all the relationships we enjoy. We search him out with a lover's passion [Song of Solomon]. He is the best Person with whom to spend our time.

All the communion we have with God on earth is maintained by means of the written Word --- John (Rabbi) Duncan 1796-1870

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