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Church of England
May 06 2016 By dvirtue George Bell: The battle for a bishop's reputation

The Church said it had carried out a "thorough" investigation, including the use of "expert independent reports". "None of those reports," it added, "found any reason to doubt the veracity of the claim."

The statement shocked the Anglican world. One newspaper headline went further than the Church, saying: "Revered Bishop George Bell was a paedophile." Another's read: "Church of England bishop George Bell abused young child."

Other abuse scandals have affected the diocese.

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May 02 2016 By dvirtue ENGLAND: Abuse victim accuses CofE of cover-up

The inquiry, led by the former chief executive of Camden Council, Dame Moira Gibb, was set up in February by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Mr Ball, the former Bishop of Gloucester, was jailed last year for 32 months for a series of offences against teenage boys and young men.

Mr Sawyer said this week that he had asked Dame Moira to widen the scope of her review, but had not been given assurances that she would.

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April 28 2016 By dvirtue Archbishops Call for 'Great Wave of Prayer' for Evangelism During Pentecost

The week of prayer will culminate in 'Beacon Events' around the country over Pentecost weekend, where people will pray for the renewal of the Holy Spirit and the confidence to share their faith.

In their letter the Archbishops said:

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April 19 2016 By dvirtue Going, Going, Gone: How LGBTI propaganda is dissolving Christian sexual ethics in the Church of England

The implementation of the book's strategy is, I believe, the prime reason for the success of the sexual/gender radicalization now occurring within official Church of England [Cof E] structures.

'LGBTI People'

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April 14 2016 By dvirtue Should the Church of England be disestablished?

The format of the discussion is interesting, with case and response put three times by each contributor in turn. Winkett is second each time, and whilst that might seem like a disadvantage, it in fact gives her a persuasive last word. The central point of her first comment relates to the understanding of religion in the public space:

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April 13 2016 By dvirtue Fresh push to find new clergy in the Church of England

Catherine Nancekievill, Head of Discipleship and Vocation for the Ministry Division of the Church of England, told Premier's News Hour the Church wants to encourage more minority and ethnic leaders.

She said: "If you don't see somebody leading who looks and sounds like you, then you're never going to think it's a possibility for you.

"One problem we have is about the role models we have out there already - so we're just encouraging churches and people to think about that."

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April 09 2016 By dvirtue How 1950s law change averted crisis in Anglican Communion

There was a time when that would have been the case, but Lambeth's legal experts were quickly able to establish that the old rule against illegitimacy had been abolished in the Fifties.

The Church of England's canon law had been largely unchanged since 1604. That was the year when the Convocation of Canterbury approved the Book of Canons, written in Latin, which had governed the Church of England ever since.

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April 07 2016 By dvirtue Archbishop of Canterbury on evangelism, unchristian hostility towards Muslims, and salvation

In an interview with Christian Today editor Ruth Mawhinney, the archbishop spoke of what's behind this change or awakening, saying, "I think it's a lot of things. There are good reasons and bad reasons. I think in some ways people recognise that decline in church numbers is a serious issue. But that's the bad reason, because you don't evangelise to ensure the survival of the church."

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April 05 2016 By dvirtue Evangelism in an age of terror, homophobia and indifference... An interview with Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby

It is just over three years since he was installed as Archbishop, after an unexpected rise through the ranks of Church of England hierarchy (he was bishop of Durham for just over a year).

In his in-tray in the last three years has been women bishops, church decline, terrorist attacks, abuse scandals and the unenviable task of trying to hold the Anglican Communion together when divisions over sexuality threaten to turn cracks into craters.

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April 05 2016 By dvirtue Former Bishop of Grimsby denies disgraced vicar's sex abuse was 'swept under carpet'

Crabtree subsequently admitted the offences to the Bishop on two occasions but was only arrested in 2015 after the church carried out a review of past complaints and the matter was passed on to police.

Speaking to the BBC, the Rt Rev Rossdale said he was first made aware of the offence in 2000 by the victim and had tried to pursue it.

He said: "With hindsight one might have tried to do different things but one is always subject and guided by lawyers.

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