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Church of England
December 23 2015 By dvirtue ENGLAND: Should buildings be a priority for the Church?

It has proposed that some should become "festival churches" - used mainly for Christmas, Easter and weddings to ease the burden on rural vicars. They often serve three or four churches - although some can even serve up to ten churches in the most extreme cases.

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December 18 2015 By dvirtue Archbishop of Canterbury welcomes Shia theologians to Lambeth Palace

"At a time of increasing fear and division in the world, it is ever more important that people of faith, Christians and Muslims, come together to work towards the common good for the betterment of all.

"As Anglicanism has its roots in the United Kingdom, and Shi'ism in the Islamic Republic of Iran and the former Persian Empire, I recognise that there is great potential for our faith to act as a bridge between our faith communities and the countries in which they are based."

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December 15 2015 By dvirtue How the passing of the coronation chicken era spells the end for Church England

The bleak assessment of the future of Anglicanism emerges in a unique study of the role of older women in congregations by Dr Abby Day, a sociologist and expert on religion in society at Goldsmiths, University of London.

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December 13 2015 By dvirtue Church of England clergyman is BANNED from conducting services after he married his gay partner of 25 years

Canon Jeremy Davies has been told he can no longer officiate at services because he married his long-term partner opera singer, Simon McEnery last year

Simon McEnery expressed outrage on Facebook after his husband Canon Jeremy Davies was no longer allowed to officiate at Church of England services because he had married a fellow man

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December 07 2015 By dvirtue Britain is no longer a Christian country and should stop acting as if it is, says judge

The report provoked a furious row as it was condemned by Cabinet ministers as "seriously misguided" and the Church of England said it appeared to have been "hijacked" by humanists.

The report, by the Commission on Religion and Belief in Public Life, claims that faith schools are "socially divisive" and says that the selection of children on the basis of their beliefs should be phased out.

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December 05 2015 By dvirtue Bless me! It's Britain's first NUDIST Bishop: Female Archdeacon, 51, was brought up in naturist family and wrote controversial defence of disrobing in public

The Archdeacon of Buckingham, the Venerable Karen Gorham, 51, was brought up in a naturist family, though she gave up going nude on beaches in her teenage years.

The unmarried Archdeacon, 51 -- who was named by Downing Street on Thursday as the next Bishop of Sherborne -- has even written a controversial treatise defending the practise of disrobing in public.

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December 03 2015 By dvirtue Black Activist Berates Church of England for Wrong Priorities and Racism

At a time when the C of E is trying to include more people of black and ethnic minority backgrounds to have a higher profile in the church leadership, this letter will come as a stark warning that many black Anglicans continue to have deep-seated grievances about race, their place in British society, and perceived lack of welcome in the Church.

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November 30 2015 By dvirtue Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry investigates Anglican Churches in England and Wales

It is now being headed by New Zealand Judge, Justice Lowell Goddard. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, had asked Justice Goddard to investigate the Church of England first, saying that he would order his own inquiry if there was a lengthy delay.

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November 28 2015 By dvirtue Queen's Address Sends Coded Message to Global South Primates

'And I am sure that members of the Synod will pray earnestly that the gathering in January of the Primates of the Anglican Communion will be a time when, together, they may know what is God's will.'

So, heartened by the unblocking of the perceived logjam over women bishops in the General Synod, the CofE establishment hopes and expects 'good disagreement' to break out over sexuality.

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November 26 2015 By dvirtue ENGLAND: Bishop of Shrewsbury says cinema ban on Lord's Prayer ad is 'stupid'

The Rt Revd Mark Rylands said: "I think it's absolutely surprising they are not allowing the advert to go ahead.

"It's hardly controversial. It seems so significant these days with all that's going on, with the attacks in Paris, people often turn to prayer.

"It's extraordinary that these cinemas have banned it. It's very odd and worrying they think it's so offensive.

"It seems like a stupid decision.

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