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Concerned Layman Calls on Episcopalians to end Christians suing Christians

Concerned Layman Calls on Episcopalians to end Madness of Christians suing Christians
Sign the Petition, he asks

June 9, 2014

We need your help in not only signing this petition but forwarding it to your Christian Friends and encouraging them to sign and pass it on. No matter what side you are on in the dispute in the Episcopal Church, Christians should not be suing their Brothers and Sisters in Christ (1 Cor. 6:6-10)

"Public reports indicate that the Presiding Bishop, acting through her Chancellor’s law firm, and various bishops have initiated (or continued) litigation of over 80 secular lawsuits against dioceses, parishes, clergy, and volunteer vestry members seeking to depart with parish property to which they hold title. These lawsuits include sixteen states: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin." (AAF Complaint 12/19/2013).

Please click on the links to see these Public Reports, especially Virginia where the actual testimony of the Presiding Bishop in the Virginia Case is recorded.

Raise your voice by signing this petition and let us end this madness when there are Peaceful Ways to settle disputes.

Bradley Hutt

Click on this Link to sign and God Bless You.

In March a group of Episcopalians calling themselves the American Anglican Fellowship, (AAF), filed a formal complaint with Bishop Clay Matthews, Intake Officer of the Episcopal Church, saying that Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori has violated the Episcopal Church's Constitution and Canons.

A document leaked to Virtueonline says that a group of current and former members of The Episcopal Church took this action only after prayerful consideration and the exhausting of all reasonable means of communication and not receiving a single response to their many concerns.

"In recent years more than 700 Clergy and 5,000 Christians have petitioned The Episcopal Church and five Episcopal Bishops also requested information and transparency in The Episcopal Church with spending more than $22 million dollars of church funds in 80 or more secular lawsuits against departing churches and dioceses. These lawsuits are ongoing with no solution in sight," noted the document.

The group filed the information on December 19, 2013 with Bishop Clay Matthews who later recused himself and replaced by Canon John N. Osgood of New York as did Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori. Former New York Bishop Mark Sisk has been appointed Canonical Authority. George E. Wade, Esq., also of New York, has been appointed to provide counsel.

The group still awaits a formal response from the Church.

You can read the full story here: http://tinyurl.com/l24egeb

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