Ireland announces new GAFCON branch
GAFCON closes in on Lambeth Palace and the Archbishop of Canterbury
By David W. Virtue, DD
April 20, 2018
Slowly but surely, steadily and without apology, orthodox primates of the Global South, and now increasingly in the West, are surrounding Lambeth Palace and the Archbishop of Canterbury in an ecclesiastical pincer movement that offers no way out for the theologically and morally compromised Justin Welby except through the front door of repentance.
GAFCON, the Global Anglican Future Conference is fast becoming an alternative communion in all but name. While still committed to the Anglican Communion as it is presently constructed, GAFCON has become a de facto though not a de jure communion of its own, as it speaks for and represents the majority of all Anglicans.
The recent consecration of Andy Lines, a former British Army Tank commander, by the ACNA as the GAFCON Missionary Bishop for Scotland and Europe brought sharp rebuke from Welby, who warned that such a missionary bishop would create "disturbance and discords" by intervening in Britain. Is it time for a GAFCON bishop in the heart of London?
His words fell on deaf ears, and now the formation of a new branch of GAFCON in Ireland signals a new "disturbing" level of engagement in the battle for the Anglican soul.
The launch will take place in Belfast, Northern Ireland, on Saturday (April 21) and will feature contributions from Rev. Vaughan Roberts (Rector of St Ebbe's, Oxford), Archbishop Peter Jensen (General Secretary of GAFCON formerly Sydney), Archbishop Greg Venables (Primate of South America) and Archbishop Buba Lamido (Archbishop of Kaduna Province, Church of Nigeria).
To date there are nine provinces in GAFCON. They are: United States, Canada & Mexico; Sudan and South Sudan; Nigeria; Uganda; Tanzania; Kenya; Congo; Rwanda and South America.
Branches include: GAFCON UK; FCA Australia; FCA New Zealand; FCA South Africa; Recife and now GAFCON Ireland.
GAFCON primates through their chairman, Nigerian Primate Nicholas Okoh, have repeatedly railed against liberal provinces like The Episcopal Church (TEC) and the Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC) that have abandoned bible-based Anglican orthodoxy.
Among the remaining Provinces, several local branches of GAFCON have been established or are in the process of being formed.
In June, a third gathering of GAFCON leaders and their followers is planned for Jerusalem.
Welby cannot help but notice that the vast majority of Anglicans are under the command of Nigerian Primate Nicholas Okoh and that only he speaks for a numerically smaller, though provincially larger group of Anglicans.