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People Who Transition from Straight to Gay

People Who Transition from Straight to Gay

by David Kyle Foster
Mastering Life Ministries
April 21, 2020

No One is Talking About This!

During a decade of working as a male prostitute, I met countless men who had unintentionally moved from having opposite-sex attractions to having same-sex attractions.

Who knew such a thing was even possible? Indeed, why would they even want to? And why is no one talking about this?

The Idea is Politically Incorrect

For starters, the idea flies in the face of false narratives that have been promulgated by gay activists since the 1950s, which claim that sexual orientation is genetically fixed and therefore unchangeable. There has never been any science to support such an assertion but you’d never know that from what you hear in the media.

Is Gay to Straight Even Possible?

The big secret that the public is not supposed to know is that gay people can find healing for the causes of their homosexual confusion and develop some degree of heterosexual attraction. This is a well-established fact, proven in study after study and in the lives of countless former homosexuals. Our video, “Such Were Some of You”, features expert opinion as well as dozens of testimonies. Also, read my personal story of transition - Love Hunger.

If people can transition from gay to straight, it only makes sense that the reverse is true.

How People Go from Straight to Gay

In my years as a prostitute, I was able to discern numerous reasons why this transition had happened to many of the men who picked me up. Most of them had been happily married (with children) for decades without any same-sex attraction. So what caused that to change?

Reason for Change #1
Older Men Trying to Rekindle a Dying Flame

The first thing I noticed among middle-aged and older men was that they had become bored or impotent with their wives and were now in search of something that would kick-start their libido.

They were searching to find a way to re-capture their lost adolescence – a time when they had experienced a strong sexual attraction to females.

Since young, attractive females no longer found them attractive, they resorted to the only sexual activity left to them – young, homosexual boys.

It wasn’t so much that they were attracted to males – their attraction was to the younger self that boys represented - males who brought to mind their formerly virile self.

Since I always presented myself as a young, straight surfer, they could fantasize that they were having sex with their earlier, teenage self. (Narcissism runs rampant in this population).

Others would look for effeminate boys who resembled the kind of female that once attracted them. During the sex act, they would close their eyes in order to call up memories of females past.

Over time, and without ever intending it, their brain would rewire itself to associate the new, male-to-male experiences with their lost sexual desire.

As a result, their original heterosexual attractions gradually morphed into homosexual ones.

Other Serious Consequences

That is why activist attempts to get young people to experiment with homosexual experiences should frighten us all. Though tauted by culture as a form of innocent experimentation, it can create irreversible (or hard to reverse) damage to their internal identity and attractions.

It can also inaugurate a cascade of spiritual effects described in Romans 1:18-32, where God eventually gives them over to the idols that they have chosen instead of Him.

Your wickedness will punish you; your backsliding will rebuke you. Consider then and realize how evil and bitter it is for you when you forsake the Lord your God and have no awe of Me. (Jeremiah 2:19)

Then I will hand you over to your lovers…..
(Ezekiel 16:39a; also 23:9a)

I will turn you over to them for punishment,
and they will punish you
according to their standards.

(Ezekiel 23:24c; see also 23:35)

You have hidden Your face from us and have delivered us
into the power of our iniquities.

(Isaiah 64:7b, NASB)

Reason for Change #2
Sexual Addiction

A second population of men who may unwittingly change sexual orientation is heterosexual sex addicts who have lost the ability to be sexually active with females due to pornography.

The brain has a propensity to demand greater and more aberrant thrills in order to produce the same level of pleasure.

Studies show that porn use can produce impotence in the male. WebMD reports that between 1998 and 2002, the use of Viagra skyrocketed 312% among men aged 18-45.

When sex addicts succumb to this new normal, they go in search of something that will rekindle the flame.

At first, they find places where homosexuals are willing to service them without any reciprocation. As time goes on, however, in order to maintain the same high, and as a result of demonic powers that egg them on to greater and greater perversity, they begin to reciprocate. Then ensues the same rewiring of the brain already mentioned.

Reason for Change #3
Broken Adolescents

A third group of formerly straight, now gay clients was men who had grown up as broken, suggestible adolescents with little ego strength. Such “boy-men” had a need to be told who they were by others. Their eyes would plead: “Who or what do you want me to be today?”
Such men would enter into same-sex activities as a response to being regularly approached by strong-willed homosexuals who could convince them that they were really gay.

In the midst of this identity crisis, they would eventually give in - usually when totally wasted. In this way, they could convince themselves that like prison inmates their behavior was merely opportunistic.

Repeated failure to attract girls was sometimes a factor, as was a fear of women. In being wanted so intensely and often by homosexuals, they could receive a much-needed ego boost while escaping the dreaded rejection of women.

These broken men would choose partners who looked like them (if narcissistic), or who resembled a straight guy that they had admired.

Surprised by the Powers of Darkness

A demonic factor is also at play here. When the desire or need for perversity increases, so does the strength of demonic powers. Theirs is a dominion above human power.

God has warned us that He will give us over to a perverse mind if we worship the creature rather than the Creator. The Bible is clear that lusting after someone in our heart is just one more manifestation of the greatest of all sins – idolatry!

Among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality…..such a man is an idolater……. (Ephesians 5:3a, 5a)

Put to death….sexual immorality, impurity, lust,
evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.

(Colossians 3:5; see also Ezekiel 23:48-49;
Matthew 5:27-28; Romans 1:18-32)

A heterosexual sex addict is already someone who has become amoral. As such, it is no small step for him to eventually move into homosexual experimentation while searching for his sexual Shangri-La.

Females Who Go from Straight to Gay

Females are a different story for the most part. Their capacity to move from opposite-sex attraction to same-sex attraction is far easier. Same-sex attraction for them is usually not internally driven via a root-level confused identity. It is a reaction to abuse by males and a subsequent fear or hatred of them.

Things that attract a young boy in another male are symbolic of what they feel, deep inside, they are missing. But for females, the softer, more accepting feminine becomes their path to safety and intimacy.

However, once they find a safe, sensitive male, (and once they have worked through their aversion to or fear of men), it is much easier for them to regain their former heterosexual inclinations - ergo, the unsurprising movement from straight-to-gay-to-straight that was seen in the Anne Heche/Ellen Degeneres saga. (You can watch the story from Anne’s mother’s point of view at: https://youtu.be/FV3B5oD-nBs).

Mankind’s “Set Point”

God made all of us to be heterosexual - our “set point” as it were. However, life’s circumstances, the ways we cope with trauma, as well as our own perverse desires can move us in all kinds of aberrant directions. However, since salvation, deliverance, cleansing, and the healing power of God has been made available to all who surrender to Jesus Christ, we can return to our “set point”, which is more than just heterosexuality – it is eternal life in heaven, surrounded by His love and glory.

* * * *

Dr. David Kyle Foster is the author of Transformed Into His Image and Love Hunger, and is the founder/director of Mastering Life Ministries (MasteringLife.org). Read more of his take on sexual sin and brokenness in his newest book, The Sexual Healing Reference Edition and listen to his twice-weekly podcast at: charismapodcastnetwork.com/show/purepassion.

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