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Trinity School for Ministry Hosts Conference on "Christian Faith and Same-Sex Attraction"

Trinity School for Ministry Hosts Conference on "Christian Faith and Same-Sex Attraction"

AMBRIDGE, PA -- August 1, 2014 -- Trinity School for Ministry will host a conference on "Christian Faith and Same-Sex Attraction" October 10-11, 2014. The conference will explore how the Church can reach out to people in the LGBTQ community with the Good News of Jesus Christ and nurture their faith and discipleship. Featured speakers include Wesley Hill, Melinda Selmys, Mark Yarhouse, and Eve Tushnet. Conference details and registration information can be found on Trinity's website, www.tsm.edu.

"At this conference we want to explore what a life of love and faithfulness looks like for a Christian who is gay or lesbian," commented Wesley Hill, Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at Trinity and author of the book Washed and Waiting: Reflections on Christian Faithfulness and Homosexuality. "We want to look not just at what gay or lesbian people are supposed to say "no" to but what they are called to pursue, to value, and to nurture."

The historic biblical teaching on marriage and sexuality affirms that marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman, requiring fidelity and chastity, while the chaste single state is equally honored and celebrated. Such teaching requires sacrifice and discipline on the part of gay Christians (as it does for all Christians), but it also affirms the blessings and opportunities that gay people bring to the life of faith. "Christian Faith and Same-Sex Attraction" will provide a forum in which to examine these questions for the sake of Christian witness in our world today.

Trinity School for Ministry is an evangelical seminary in the Anglican tradition. Begun in 1976, the seminary has trained more than 1,000 graduates and many others who serve in ministries all over the world. As a global center for Christian formation, Trinity continues to produce outstanding leaders who can plant, renew, and grow churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ.

For more information, contact:
The Rev. Christopher Klukas
Director of Communications
Trinity School for Ministry
311 Eleventh Street| Ambridge, PA 15003
cklukas@tsm.edu | 724-266-3838 | www.tsm.edu

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