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While the Church Slept

While the Church Slept
Ambivalence of the church, misinformation, and the well-funded campaign of the gay lobby are combining to have a devastating effect on young Christians

By Dr. Lisa Nolland
March 18, 2016

IT'S true that many Christian youngsters can still be convinced by the traditional understanding of heterosexual ethics (i.e. no sex outside marriage). However, a disturbing reality is that increasing numbers have become ambivalent about homosexuality or are now gay advocates.

Being marinated in all things gay from nursery to university does the trick. As lesbian activist Patricia Warren noted: "Whoever captures the kids, owns the future" (1995).

In the main still-orthodox Christian churches, leaders and organizations minimize attention to gay issues while maximizing focus on more politically correct ones, like the dangers of porn.

They appear oblivious to the depth of the rot; the extent of the loss. Some treat homosexuality as a second order issue; the "journey" of others has led them to a "right side of history" (pro-gay) morality. We must respond to these urgent challenges if our young are to retain an orthodox Christian sexual ethic. "Gay" is used here and includes both lesbianism and bisexuality. Given their difference and complexity, transgender issues will be placed to one side.


The gay agenda has become increasingly institutionalized in education, health services, third sector youth organizations and the media. I focus on education here, as it is non-negotiable and trusted by parents and the church. That Mrs. Jones, the head teacher, is a practicing Christian or that the vicar can still take assemblies, tends to foster a naïve optimism which ignores the sexual Blitzkrieg. Though not all have capitulated, hundreds of primary and secondary schools across the UK have signed up to the School Champions programme of the premier gay lobby group, Stonewall. Also problematic are various SRE (sex relationship education) programmes; mandatory literacy curricula like CHIPS (Challenging Homophobia in Primary Schools) and Educate and Celebrate's "Pride in Primary School"; and LGBT History Month (February)/Schools Out.

With a passion to make schools "safe" for gay kids and families, activists claim the moral high ground and shame (or coerce/punish) dissent into silence. What is not allowed now is public challenging of the gay agenda.


Jesus, Scripture tells us, loved and accepted people. This leads, therefore, to Christian youngsters having the potential to be the best gay "champions". What matters, after all, is love! In any case, many are "exploring" their own sexuality. If I think I might be gay I will be far more likely to endorse gay rights, and with that loving gay relationships. 

The disapproving, those now labelled "anti-gay" bigots, struggle to hold privately what to them feel like increasingly awkward views. If they are emotionally insensitive enough to voice their views in public, they are silenced, shunned, even punished.

Wiggle room shrinks by the day while the devout are left feeling increasingly uneasy. Their views may be straight from Jesus' teaching, but given this environment, who wants to own them in public now?


A popular approach by evangelical churches here is to shun controversy while focusing on "gospel love". This approach is essentially free of ethical demands, and foregrounds politically correct positives. Though not without legitimacy, it is neither sufficient nor comprehensive, for it privileges Christ's death and resurrection in such a way that his life and teaching, with their explicit and implicit ethical demands, are eclipsed. So youngsters who would stand with what they believe is the biblical view on this matter, are given virtually no support by the church.


Though this requires age/stage sensitivity, our young people need to hear our answers to gay rights research and argument. We long for their best -- for productive, flourishing lives; for beauty, intimacy and love; and if possible, strong marriages and children of their own. We also long for the best for those who believe they are gay or have gay parents, and we detest all bullying. We know we are living in a pluralist, post-Christian world and our kids must be taught how to navigate it with respect and tolerance (rightly understood) as well as holding onto the "faith once delivered to the saints".


No one is born gay. Studies of identical twins demonstrate this, and gay activists like Peter Tatchell agree. Even the Royal College of Psychiatrists has changed the statement on homosexuality it originally submitted to the Church of England's Pilling Commission, conceding sexual "orientation" is not set at birth, nor is it immutable.

Note lesbian psychologist Lisa Diamond's, "Sexuality is Fluid: it's time to get past 'born this way'" (New Scientist, 22 July 2015).


"Born gay" is increasingly giving way to sexual fluidity. Almost half of 18-24-year-olds recently surveyed do not self-identify as fully heterosexual; indeed, increasing numbers are post-"label".

Large numbers report spontaneous change in sexual orientation which just "happens".


From his work with over 900 clients, ex-gay therapist Floyd Godfrey understands homosexuality as the "sexualization of emotional needs and wounds", à la Simone Weil's "all sins are attempts to fill voids". Such attractions "will remain until the individual discovers the meaning of them and fulfills them in legitimate, non-sexual ways," according to ex-gay therapist Christopher Doyle.

Same-sex attraction drivers include early conditioning, perception and/or experience. Some can develop their heterosexual potential, others not. There is no magic bullet, but then there never is with serious psychological issues. Why do we encourage the depressed to seek help, but not those with unwanted same-sex attraction?

It seems unjust, even culpable, to ignore the potential of heterosexual functioning for those who desire it. We must educate our young on same-sex attraction issues within the wider remit of sexual accountability for all, regardless of attractions.


Since gay is a different category to race, there is no need to be embarrassed by Jesus' views on sex. He spoke a good deal about sex issues -- even more than about poverty or love.

Jesus condemned porneia, which meant any sex outside heterosexual marriage: incest, fornication, gay sex, etc. His hearers would have known that.

Moreover, Jesus claimed to fulfill Old Testament law, and clearly endorsed and extended its core ethical and religious values -- among them the sexual. He showed mercy to sinners, but took sin seriously. And so should we.


In gay identity, however it is labelled, experimental sex comes to the fore, as it can help determine one's "identity†". Extreme solo, partnered or group sex activities are sanitised and marketed, via health service-endorsed sites, to our young people:
GRAPHIC CONTENT Rainbowbournemouth.co.uk; www.respectyourself.Info GMFA - the gay men's health charity.

According to the British Medical Journal (8 August 2015), condoms in MSM sex (men having sex with men) reduced HIV transmission by 64 per cent and that of other sexually transmitted infections by 42 per cent. How is this "safe"?

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statistics (2011), sexually active gay boys and men (13-24) were over 1000 times more likely to become infected by HIV than their heterosexual counterparts.

Recent Public Health England statistics noted rising rates of syphilis and gonorrhea in the gay community. Gov.uk: New STI figures show rapid increases among gay men.

Such serious consequences, and numerous others, are either downplayed or whitewashed altogether in materials designed for adolescent consumption. Our young people deserve much better than this.

GLMA: Top Ten Things Gay Men Should discuss with Their Healthcare Provide

Dr. Lisa Severine Nolland is an author, speaker, and web consultant for Anglican Mainstream for whom she convenes the Marriage, Sex and Culture Group. She can be contacted at:


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