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February 03 2004 By virtueonline TENNESSEE: Episcopalians skip sticky votes

However, another consideration for many was that the bulk of the convention's required business was finished, and there was concern about the tone of the meeting.

''There was a lot of tension in the air,'' said the Rev. Freddy Richardson of the Church of the Holy Cross in Murfreesboro, who made the motion to adjourn. ''I felt that legal decisions were being made on the fly and we needed time.''

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February 03 2004 By virtueonline PITTSBURGH: Bishop says church will not split over issue of gay bishop

Duncan said the ordination of the Rev. Gene Robinson as Bishop of New Hampshire was a "presenting issue," but the underlying issue, he said, was the undermining of scriptural authority.

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February 03 2004 By virtueonline KENTUCKY: Historic Versailles Church Losing Members in Large Numbers

The conservative board had clashed repeatedly with the diocese bishop, Stacy Sauls, because of Sauls' support for the ordination of openly gay bishop V. Gene Robinson, a Lexington native. Church leaders were removed by the diocese's executive council on Jan. 7, after they allegedly failed to follow proper procedures for hiring a new minister.

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February 03 2004 By virtueonline VIRGINIA: Episcopalians Avert Split Over Gay Bishop

The vote, taken on the last day of the diocese's annual convention, had wide support among the 700 delegates gathered at a Reston hotel -- a sign, many said, of the desire not to let their differences lead to an open split. "What we're trying to figure out is how to stay together and proclaim the Gospel while we fight over what portions of the Gospel mean -- and it's just portions that we're fighting over," said the Rev. Lauren R. Stanley, associate rector of St.

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February 03 2004 By virtueonline Archbishop Crawley made acting primate of Canada

Under church law, the acting primate is the senior metropolitan by election, in this case Archbishop David Crawley, Metropolitan of British Columbia and Yukon and Bishop of Kootenay.

Archbishop Crawley, 66, has said that he does not wish to allow his name to stand in the primatial election.

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February 03 2004 By virtueonline PAWLEYS ISLAND: Split leaves some parish members in cold

Townsend said the label doesn't seem to fit, since the cemetery in the old church where she attends services contains the graves of several ancestors, and she has a plot there herself. Relatives buried in the old cemetery include George Pawley, one of the two men who bought the land in 1745 for use as a church.

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February 02 2004 By virtueonline Ramifications of ECUSA's Actions

* Roman Catholic Church
* Russian Orthodox Church
* Coptic Orthodox Church
* Syrian Orthodox Church
* Armenian Orthodox Church

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February 02 2004 By virtueonline NORTH CAROLINA: Episcopalians back local bishop on gay bishop vote

"I think the Episcopalian Church is very strong and we have many more thing s in common than we have differences," delegate John Lansche of Charlotte said of Friday's actions. "To me, this says the delegates are behind the bishop."

The Diocese of North Carolina is one of three Episcopal dioceses in the state and includes most of the state's largest congregations, in Charlotte, the Piedmont Triad and the Triangle.

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February 02 2004 By virtueonline ALBANY NY: Bishop acts to avert 'internal warfare'

The bishop, under fire from some who say the move could split the church, also predicted victory on that step in a vote by diocesan clergy and lay leaders at the annual convention scheduled for June.

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February 02 2004 By virtueonline FLORIDA: Episcopal unity in state is in danger

Clarifying his own place in the disagreement after months of silence, the newly installed bishop said he would not ordain active homosexuals or allow their unions to be celebrated, but promised to oppose any limits on the diocese's participation in the national Episcopal Church.

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