At the present time the destruction is so vast that we have not been able to get very specific details on the number of churches and Christians affected. The tsunami hit us on a Sunday morning while thousands were at church services. From the information we received thousands of churches have been affected and some congregations were wiped out by the tidal wave. There were also Christian orphanages with children who were greatly affected by this.
Read moreFor example, Mr. Barna said, the typical American adult watches football
games more often than he attends worship services, and tithing, the practice of giving a tenth of one's income to the church, is "pitifully uncommon" among Christians and "almost nonexistent" among people younger than 40.
But the children did not die. Thanks to quick thinking, blind luck and an outboard motor that somehow started on the first pull, the orphans and their caretakers joined the ranks of countless survivors of the epic earthquake and coastal disaster that so far has claimed over 100,000 lives in Sri Lanka and 11 other countries. This is their story.
Read moreWith such a devastating tragedy we could no longer keep silent. We turn
to our sovereign and merciful God in prayers. May I at this time call
all our Intercessors in our Province to have a special day of prayer and
fasting on Friday, 31st December, 2004.
That's six years before a gay Episcopal priest become bishop and six years before the same-sex marriage debate bubbled up as a denomination-wide issue. When Bor-om left, it was because a woman had offered her Communion.
Read moreHis wife, an Episcopal priest, was summoned to the hospital in the middle of services. She agreed to have her husband's organs and tissue harvested for donation. She remembers asking the emergency room doctor whether there was any chance to retrieve her husband's sperm.
"We'd been trying to have a baby," she told the doctor. He said that he'd never heard of such a thing, but was sympathetic and willing to try.
Read moreA majority of people in 21st century Britain neither hopes nor fears for a life after death. Only about a third believes in Heaven, and even fewer in Hell and the Devil.
Marriage is no longer seen as a sacrament and even church weddings no longer find favour.
Read more"Every source has fallen somewhat since 2002, with only news on the Internet gaining, from 15 percent [of readers] going there every day two years ago to 20 percent doing so today," reports Editor & Publisher, in their analysis of the Gallup survey.
Read moreThe situation arose when a deacon in the diocese was ordained by the Archbishop of Brazil without informing the bishop, and in addition the installation of two lay priests was also made.
Over the weekend, the Archbishop gave the Bishop of Brasilia the title of supervisor of the Diocese. An administrative commission for the diocese was also appointed, which is headed by the suffragan bishop, a priest and three lay people from the diocese.
Read moreWe restated the mission of FIFNA (which first appeared in the 1997 Good Shepherd Statement) "to secure an orthodox Province."
What shape it takes, who its members are, how it will be governed are questions that cannot be answered. We do know that Christ wills unity amongst his followers. And we know that those who uphold the Gospel and the Catholic religion in the Anglican tradition need to fulfill our Lord’s will for His Church.
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