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September 26 2006 By virtueonline NEWARK: Diocese avoids disaster, elects straight revisionist priest to be bishop

The diocese saw the hand-writing on the Global South wall and rejected the homoerotic priest.

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September 22 2006 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: Standing Ctte. Retains Separate Counsel in Fight to Remove Bishop

This action has come about after repeated unsuccessful requests by the Standing Committee urging Bennison to resign as bishop because of his inept running of the diocese and allegations that millions of dollars were spent on Camp Wapiti without approval of the diocese, while parishes close and diocesan staff is being laid off.

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September 21 2006 By virtueonline Episcopal Church Decline Quickens In Wake of GC2006

As large orthodox cardinal parishes like Christ Church, Plano along with a host of large parishes in Florida and California leave with their money and parishioners, increasingly what are left are medium-sized parishes, small missions and parishes run by retired clergy. Across the country churches are slowly but surely emptying. The more so in liberal ones, death catches up with them with aging priests and aging parishes waiting for the grim reaper. It's only a matter of time.

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September 17 2006 By virtueonline ILLINOIS: Diocese of Quincy Calls for APO at Special Synod

More than 150 clergy and delegates met at Grace Church in Galesburg, Illinois and passed the following five resolutions.

Said Bishop Ackerman to VOL:

1. We reaffirmed our constitution that we must endeavor in all things to maintain unity with the See of Canterbury and the Anglican Communion.

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September 16 2006 By virtueonline CENTRAL NY: Key diocesan leaders resign - 60 parishes fail to pay assessments

The Rt. Rev. Gladstone "Skip" Adams of the Diocese of Central New York announced the resignations of two leaders from the Diocesan Board at its August 1, 2006 meeting. They are William R.

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September 14 2006 By virtueonline NEW ORLEANS: Baptized in dirty water. "We are all in this together"

This is, after all, New Orleans where good days are hard to find and where America's worst natural disaster is barely a year old. A number of Episcopal churches are still digging out from heavy water inundation; tens of thousands of homes are being rehabilitated, half the population has still not returned and government bureaucracy ties up progress and sin in the streets, runs rampant.

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September 11 2006 By virtueonline LIVE FROM NEW ORLEANS: A Church Re-Opens ... Another Church is Born

Across the canal bridge the Lower 9th Ward looks like a war zone. Thousands of houses are no longer on their foundations; swept off by a continuous surge of relentless water. Old cars poke out of the sides of some of the more derelict houses, looking like something out of a Terminator movie scene gone wrong. A stuntman would have died. Our SUV, with Fr.

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September 09 2006 By virtueonline SOUTHWEST FLORIDA: Bishop Lipscomb Calls for 40-Day Fast from Blogs

"Those who are the harshest critics of the leadership of the Church might well ponder the first chapter of Paul's letter to the Romans in its entirety. Paul's concern to show the need that all have for new life in Jesus Christ brings an indictment of sin that includes each of us. Yes, Paul condemns the hot sins of the flesh as the outgrowth of idolatry, but he condemns no less the cold sins of the human spirit: gossip, slander, those who are heartless and ruthless.

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September 07 2006 By virtueonline ECUSA: Three Bishops Condem Iranian Leader's Cathedral Speech

"As bishops of the Episcopal Church committed to the ministry of reconciliation and to on-going dialogue between faith communities, we protest the scheduled speech of the Mr. Khatami's actions do not support the goal of reconciliation for which our Church has so fervently prayed and worked. During Mr. Khatami's term of office, women continued to be marginalized, and homosexual persons were executed (two gay youths were hanged on July 19, 2005). Mr.

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September 06 2006 By virtueonline EVANGELIST LEE BUCK DIES

He had been a senior executive in the insurance business for many years before coming under the ministry of the evangelical charismatic preacher Terry Fullam in Connecticut where he received the fullness of the Holy Spirit and began his own ministry of evangelism.

All his family of children, grand children and great grand children are believers.

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