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July 24 2006 By virtueonline NORTHWESTERN PENNSYLVANIA: Diocesan Council topples Bishop Rowley

"The Standing Committee wants to express its continued support of the Bishop and its thanksgiving to the Bishop for his many years of service to this Diocese. While we are indeed in a time of transition, we also have every intention of moving forward with the mission and ministry that God has given to this Diocese. The day to day operations will continue. The Diocesan staff has been assured that there will be no major restructuring.

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July 22 2006 By virtueonline WEST TEXAS: Largest parish will leave TEC if Archbishop and Primates find a way

"I hope, as a diocese, that we could make the move, and not just as a parish, and I am encouraging him to move in that direction," he said.

Bishop Lillibridge is not a Network bishop, but he is a Windsor bishop and is solidly committed to the Windsor process and the Windsor Report as well, said Collins.

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July 21 2006 By virtueonline CENTRAL NEW YORK: Court Denies Diocese Right to Seize Parish Property

St. Andrews Church is a member of the Anglican Communion Network which seeks to be faithful to the traditional teachings of the Church.

Said Judge Carni, "Any attempt to sell this real estate must be approved by a Superior Court judge. You have agreed that no property will be sold unless the application is made to justice James Murphy. This, I think, gets most parties where they want to go," he concluded.

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This has been his love, preoccupation and deep concern, after spending 25 years as a parish priest. With all those years under his belt he could have retired and gone gently onto that soft golf course.

Then God woke him up one day to a new concern - millions of men, women and children who had never heard the Good News of God's saving love found in Jesus Christ.

This so energized him, that he formed Anglican Frontier Missions, (AFM) in 1993. He never looked back.

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July 19 2006 By virtueonline The Infernal Chakra of Deepak Chopra

He writes: "Not many people of moderate persuasion have much sway in the church any more. I was reminded why recently when the Episcopal Church did two important things: It elected a woman bishop to head the denomination, and it backtracked on appointing gay bishops. The first move seems Christian.

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July 16 2006 By virtueonline Canon Lawyers Say Bishops Suing Bishops Is "Inventive"

"I have no idea of the canons they could use, but we have seen a propensity of some of our more aggressive bishops to read the canons in very inventive and imaginative ways," said Wicks Stephens, Chancellor of the Anglican Communion Network. "We can only wait to see," he told VirtueOnline.

Retired Eau Claire bishop William Wantland, a canon lawyer and Anglo-Catholic bishop told VOL, "I am aware of no canon that could be legitimately used against him."

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July 15 2006 By virtueonline Why The Nigerians Refused Rowan Williams' Peace Plan

So this is not an East-West, North-South, black-white thing at all. It is not about cultural differences, racial differences, educational differences (combined African bishops have more earned doctorates than the British and American bishops put together), nor is it a matter of linguistic niceties.

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July 14 2006 By virtueonline WASHINGTON, DC: Lord Carey Cancels Conference

"I understand from Lambeth Palace that talks between the Archbishop of Canterbury and ECUSA leaders are ongoing and delicate. It is for these reasons, and in order to support the office and ministry of the Archbishop of Canterbury, that I have made my decisions."

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July 11 2006 By virtueonline Hell Hath No Fury Liked Liberals Scorned

The first type of "stuck" pig is when a pig loses its seal. Episcopal translation: The Episcopal pig lost its "seal" - godly mandate - a long time ago, and while it has increased its pigging volume over the past 40 years, it has not been enough to propel it anywhere but to the gadarene edge of the cliff.

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July 08 2006 By virtueonline Character Assassination of Archbishop Peter Akinola

See it at:
(you have to scroll down the page in order to find the poster on Crew's site).

The poster links to a website ( created by someone called Fr. Greg Jones (it is unknown who actually created the poster).

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