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September 05 2006 By virtueonline RWANDA: Theologian Bishops Call for Orthodox to Break Communion

Citing Akinola's words to the bishops of the Anglican Communion Network they say that time is no longer on their side and this applies not only to the clergy and laity of the communion it applies equally to the Primates who adhere to the Anglican faith. "Time is running out for us and the millions of persons under our care," write the two bishops.

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September 04 2006 By virtueonline JACKSONVILLE, FL: Two churches merge to form single Anglican ministry

In describing the new church's ecclesiology, The Rev. Dr. Robert Sanders said this: "We will be a church thoroughly grounded in the historic Anglican tradition with its commitment to balancing the Sacramental, Evangelical, and Charismatic streams in the Christian faith. We are applying to be a part of the world wide Anglican Communion through affiliation with the Anglican Mission in America which is a missionary extension of the Anglican Communion province of Rwanda.

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September 03 2006 By virtueonline WAGING DISINFORMATION: Anguished Liberals Lash Out At Conservatives

New Hampshire Bishop V. Gene Robinson reflecting on the recent General Convention wrote saying that the most exciting action taken by the Convention was the election of the Rt. Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori as the 26th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church.

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August 31 2006 By virtueonline UGANDA: Evangelical Anglican Province has something to offer Africa and World

At the time of the crisis in the Episcopal Church over faith and morals, her parish left the Episcopal Church, coming under the orthodox Anglican Province of Uganda, resulting in her leaving the U.S. and beginning her journey to this evangelical African province in 2004.

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August 28 2006 By virtueonline Bringing Good Out Of Evil

We are seeing a reverse migration of Africans, Asian and Latin American archbishops and bishops coming to the West with the Good News for us, and you can blame it on theologically revisionist bishops, clergy and lay moral relativists and pansexualists who are making it all possible.

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August 24 2006 By virtueonline THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH: The Future Of An Illusion

But Frank Griswold has said that Dr.

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August 24 2006 By virtueonline NORTHERN CALIFORNIA: First Parish Leaves following General Convention

The Rev. Joy Gartman, parish rector and her husband the Rev. Steve Gartman (non-stipendary) and Deacon Jim Mariner resigned in order to form the new congregation.

Bishop Frank Lyons of Bolivia will be their immediate ecclesiastical authority though there is talk of eventually moving to Archbishop Benjamin Nzimbi of Kenya.

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August 23 2006 By virtueonline RIO GRANDE: Diocese Weighs Plan to Allow Parishes to leave with Properties

The recently consecrated orthodox Bishop of the Rio Grande, the Rt. Rev. Jeffrey N. Steenson is said to approve the plan.

Here are the details:

1. A decision to sever its relationship with The Episcopal church must be made by at least two-thirds of the qualified voters of the congregation...and certified by the bishop.

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August 22 2006 By virtueonline AFRICA: Secret Tapes Reveal Truth About ECUSA Bishops Trip to Kenya

Here is the list of those present:

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August 21 2006 By virtueonline COLORADO: Diocese faces mounting closures. Canon Missioner calls it "holy dying"

"After almost two years of prayer and discernment, Holy Spirit, Colorado Springs will [also] be closing. Their last service was held September 13th. Please pray for the members of Holy Spirit as they grieve and find new church homes," she said.

St. Michael's, Paonia will also be closing this fall as well. The congregation has been in discernment for almost a year and the members are ready to do ministry in another way there, said Blanchard.

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